I'm also having a similar issue, although only my home area is
encrypted (no encrypted swap or tmp). Last week I have been able to
somehow interrupt the boot process at a place where it was asking for
the pass phrase to unlock the encrypted partition and was able to boot
up normally after that. Bu
That last remaining issue of disappeared desktop bars was solved after I
set the 'show desktop' option from the compiz settings manager dialogue.
Problem solved as far as I'm concerned, although users of the native
intel server from jaunty (i.e. v 2.6) would still have it I think.
compiz show
Got the latest version of the intel driver this morning through synaptic
updates. Apparently compiz now "works" without setting the indirect
rendering option, i.e. I can see the windows on my desktop at long last.
I have not done much testing beyond that apart from moving a few windows
around and o
No, compiz did not work either with the jaunty (i.e. 2.6) version of the
driver. It's just that my reasons for upgrading were not related to compiz. I
seem to remember that glxgears wasn't showing anything (black window not
showing the rotating gears) with the old driver, so it looks like SOME
Hi Travis,
I looked up information on the web about kernel mode settings. According
to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/KernelModeSetting, I could not be running
with kernel mode settings because I'd need to be running a 2.6.30-2
kernel or newer. I'm running under the regular jaunty kernel, i.e.
Hi Travis,
Thanks for the help.
glxgears "works" in the current mode I'm using, i.e. with indirect rendering
set, although it's not fast at all:
prompt > glxgears
No kernel support for execution fencing, disabling texture tiling
181 frames in 5.0 seconds = 36.181 FPS
293 frames in 5.0 seconds = 5
Public bug reported:
Binary package hint: compiz
Symptoms: after logging in, compiz does not start and my desktop is
reverted to metacity. If I force it to start, e.g. using compiz
--replace, I'm only seeing an empty screen showing the background image
(not a a black screen). I think the windows