My english is very poor but I hope that I can help.
I had the same problem but I sawn this warnings too late and after 1
week with Gutsy was my Disk really destroyed... I use Ubuntu since Edgy
and hat no Problems. My laptop (acer aspire 1692) had 2 years.
gutsy kernel is causing data-loss.som
** Attachment added: "Dependencies.txt"
** Attachment added: "ProcMaps.txt"
** Attachment added: "ProcStatus.txt"
Public bug reported:
Binary package hint: gnome-panel
The computer crash when I want to connect to my Wireless Network (WEP - Open,
Hex-Key) with Network Manager. I validate the message box and it crash after a
few seconds.
I have to push on the power button : Ctrl+Alt+Del and Ctrl+Alt+Bakspace