for a detailed description of what I did after testing a bunch of Clisps
(and a lot of frustration) here are some solutions for ppc architecture.
for 386 or Amd I imagine you can compile or install the same maxima
version (5.10.0 reco
after some tests I can conclude, maxima on ppc platform can be
installed, but it won't start because there is a connection bug in that
version of maxima(5.9.2) which does affect wxmaxima too.
the only viable solution for the users who might want to use maxima on
ppc dapper isto compile maxima sour
the last version of maxima. that is 5.10.0 seems to have fixed a whole lot of
I compiled it under ppc and it seems to work ok with gcl clisp(you can test
other clisps, in ppc last gcl seems to work ok), but it seems the problem was
not related to wxmaxima, but with maxima itself.
ok. Just compiled maxima 5.10.0 with the last version of gcl (2.6.7+ a
diff patch I found on debian src package = and now
everything is working perfectly.(Gcl had problems with ppc).
I think Clisp and SBCL have not fixed their problems with ppc
architecture(did not have time to test
as Ben Collins suggested in :
changing FBdev option to "true" actually makes r300 work... but it does
hang occassionally and there are missing vertices and textures in
tuxkart.(screensavers do work well).
May be activati
Just So you know... I downloaded the debian unstable package :
the powerpc version, updated to maxima 5.10.0. I think its compiled with
GCL because "usr/lib/maxima/5.10.0/binary-gcl" with a maxima binary is
created with this .deb . it seems to work
With a clean dapper install all I had to do to make an Intuos 3 work is:
-sudo apt-get install wacom-tools xserver-xorg-input-wacom
-sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
now edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf
you will see new "dev/wacom" lines added by last X reconfigure.
change all the appea
in relation to :
Just compiled newest available version of both maxima(5.9.3) and
clisp(2.39) and maxima do work now in ppc dapper (no more 100% use).
Maxima hangs on ppc Dapper
Dapper ppc linux here; I just compiled maxima, clisp 2.39
and wxmaxima 0.6.5 just to make sure.
maxima alone does work, clisp do work perfectly but if I start wxmaxima
it does loose connection to maxima and displays:
CLIENT: Lost socket connection ...
Restart maxima with 'Maxi