[Bug 1374115] Re: Allow cloud-config to modify partitioning and mount point of temporary resource disk in Azure

2017-01-20 Thread trialotto
@Scott (and everyone else), It has been a while since visiting this launchpad and/or since doing some decent testing. Nevertheless, I recall correctly, there is this option (also discussed on this launchpad) to work with partitions and disk setups on Azure VMs: just inject some custom data. The

[Bug 1410824] Re: Swap space with mounts module not working

2017-01-20 Thread trialotto
@Scott, This really is not an issue anymore. The whole issue occurred in "old" Azure environments and has not been re-occurring for a while now. Nevertheless, thanks for the response. Regards.. -- You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Bugs, which is

[Bug 1374166] Re: Document how to add swap space on Azure resource disk

2015-06-01 Thread trialotto
Daniel, Defining swap with cloud-config will not result in a persistent swap space across shutdown and restart sequences on Azure. In general, the cloud-config disk setup and/or filesystem stanza will not result in a persisting ext4 ephemeral disk in before mentioned sequences, in which the

[Bug 1374166] Re: Document how to add swap space on Azure resource disk

2015-06-01 Thread trialotto
Daniel, Defining swap with cloud-config will not result in a persistent swap space across shutdown and restart sequences on Azure. In general, the cloud-config disk setup and/or filesystem stanza will not result in a persisting ext4 ephemeral disk in before mentioned sequences, in which the

[Bug 1374166] Re: Document how to add swap space on Azure resource disk

2015-06-01 Thread trialotto
Daniel, You are very likely to be correct, I saw the specific code (for recent versions of cloud-init) and it should be able to reformat disks. Questions are: - is the swap created after or before the reformat? (Note: a reformat removes the characteristic persistent from persistent swap) - is

[Bug 1374166] Re: Document how to add swap space on Azure resource disk

2015-06-01 Thread trialotto
Daniel, You are very likely to be correct, I saw the specific code (for recent versions of cloud-init) and it should be able to reformat disks. Questions are: - is the swap created after or before the reformat? (Note: a reformat removes the characteristic persistent from persistent swap) - is

[Bug 1374166] Re: Document how to add swap space on Azure resource disk

2015-03-04 Thread trialotto
Ben, The patch lp-1422919-azure-g5_ephemeral.patch does not help, when introducing this patch (alone) in cloud-init. There seems to be some basic problem with the basic config settings, in the sense that /dev/sdb is always starting as NTFS. The standard result of the tests are summarized as:

[Bug 1374166] Re: Document how to add swap space on Azure resource disk

2015-03-04 Thread trialotto
Ben, The patch lp-1422919-azure-g5_ephemeral.patch does not help, when introducing this patch (alone) in cloud-init. There seems to be some basic problem with the basic config settings, in the sense that /dev/sdb is always starting as NTFS. The standard result of the tests are summarized as:

[Bug 1374166] Re: Document how to add swap space on Azure resource disk

2015-03-03 Thread trialotto
@Ben, As soon as time is available, I will test the -proposed package (if possible, on the old Azure VMs that have been used for testing). I will add the following test: testing the 0.7.6 version on Ubuntu Trusty (14.04.1 LTS) Please note that I just received the message, implying that I have

[Bug 1374166] Re: Document how to add swap space on Azure resource disk

2015-03-03 Thread trialotto
@Ben, As soon as time is available, I will test the -proposed package (if possible, on the old Azure VMs that have been used for testing). I will add the following test: testing the 0.7.6 version on Ubuntu Trusty (14.04.1 LTS) Please note that I just received the message, implying that I have

[Bug 1374166] Re: Document how to add swap space on Azure resource disk

2015-02-17 Thread trialotto
@Daniel, The documentation is not okay: the swap partition (on the last part of a disk) will not persist through shutdown in Azure. The strange thing is: a) often a NTFS formatted ephemeral disk reoccurs when starting up after a shutdown, b) a swap partition on the FIRST part of a disk IS

[Bug 1374166] Re: Document how to add swap space on Azure resource disk

2015-02-17 Thread trialotto
@Daniel, The documentation is not okay: the swap partition (on the last part of a disk) will not persist through shutdown in Azure. The strange thing is: a) often a NTFS formatted ephemeral disk reoccurs when starting up after a shutdown, b) a swap partition on the FIRST part of a disk IS

[Bug 1292648] Re: [SRU] cloud-init should check/format Azure empheral disks each boot

2015-02-17 Thread trialotto
@Ben, Bug returns, the issue is still present in 0.7.5-0ubuntu1.3, when partitioning the ephemeral disk. Interestingly, a partitioning of form - [ 66, [33,82]] does return the bug (the whole /dev/sdb becomes ntfs after shutdown). Bug is persistent through resizing. - [ [ 33,82], 66] does not

[Bug 1292648] Re: [SRU] cloud-init should check/format Azure empheral disks each boot

2015-02-17 Thread trialotto
@Ben, Bug returns, the issue is still present in 0.7.5-0ubuntu1.3, when partitioning the ephemeral disk. Interestingly, a partitioning of form - [ 66, [33,82]] does return the bug (the whole /dev/sdb becomes ntfs after shutdown). Bug is persistent through resizing. - [ [ 33,82], 66] does not

[Bug 1374166] Re: Document how to add swap space on Azure resource disk

2015-01-21 Thread trialotto
@Dan(iel), I will post two new bugs (that are not really bugs, but a wish for code improvement): - size logic (for both swap space as swap partitions) - swap stanza that allows changes of swap file size (not swap partitions) on a created/running VM to be persistent By the way, if necessary, I

[Bug 1374166] Re: Document how to add swap space on Azure resource disk

2015-01-21 Thread trialotto
@Dan(iel), I will post two new bugs (that are not really bugs, but a wish for code improvement): - size logic (for both swap space as swap partitions) - swap stanza that allows changes of swap file size (not swap partitions) on a created/running VM to be persistent By the way, if necessary, I

[Bug 1374166] Re: Document how to add swap space on Azure resource disk

2015-01-19 Thread trialotto
@Steve, I am working on a solution to pass some local cloud-config settings, for swap space settings and other settings. One idea is to change the AzureDataSource.py script, in order to allow it to read from waagent.conf and/or other config files. The possibility exists, given the fact that a

[Bug 1374166] Re: Document how to add swap space on Azure resource disk

2015-01-19 Thread trialotto
@Steve, I am working on a solution to pass some local cloud-config settings, for swap space settings and other settings. One idea is to change the AzureDataSource.py script, in order to allow it to read from waagent.conf and/or other config files. The possibility exists, given the fact that a

[Bug 1374166] Re: Document how to add swap space on Azure resource disk

2015-01-19 Thread trialotto
@Daniel, The documentation looks great. However, can you add the following (important) remarks to the documentation page: a) as from cloud-init 0.7.6, the option exists to create swap by means of the swap stanza b) in good practice, swap partitions should be at the start of the disk (and a

[Bug 1374166] Re: Document how to add swap space on Azure resource disk

2015-01-19 Thread trialotto
@Daniel, The documentation looks great. However, can you add the following (important) remarks to the documentation page: a) as from cloud-init 0.7.6, the option exists to create swap by means of the swap stanza b) in good practice, swap partitions should be at the start of the disk (and a

[Bug 1410835] Re: Azure ephemeral disk and custom mount points

2015-01-16 Thread trialotto
Daniel, I was aware of DataSourceAzure.py and cc_mounts.py and the fact that built-in config for Azure requires declaration of sdb (and not ephemeral0). The before mentioned fact is only an inconvenience for users that would like to declare custom mount points and make the mistake to use an in

[Bug 1410835] Re: Azure ephemeral disk and custom mount points

2015-01-16 Thread trialotto
@Daniel, I just read your latest (two) posts, I was not able to read them while commenting, my apologies. The makeswap bug (when using partitions) is very different from the swap bug and the alias bug. In short: - the swap bug can be resolved by sanitizing declarations of form [ swap, x, x,

[Bug 1374115] Re: Allow cloud-config to modify partitioning and mount point of temporary resource disk in Azure

2015-01-16 Thread trialotto
@Stephen, The mount location CAN be changed by setting - ResourceDisk.Format=y (instead of n) AND - ResourceDisk.MountPoint=/opt (or any other directory, instead of /mnt) in waagent.conf. The change becomes effective after a shutdown and start-up sequence (and I assume the same applies to a

[Bug 1374166] Re: Document how to add swap space on Azure resource disk

2015-01-16 Thread trialotto
@Daniel, I did all the testing before and came to the same result (as you are probably aware of) BUT with a different CONCLUSION. I personally concluded that the use of swap partitions, if ever desirable, is (also) not desirable in the current case AND certainly not on an ephemeral disk, given

[Bug 1374115] Re: Allow cloud-config to modify partitioning and mount point of temporary resource disk in Azure

2015-01-16 Thread trialotto
@Stephen, I think you know why I stated that the ResourceDisk.Format variable is a remarkable explanation for specific behaviour of waagent. It must also be clear why I (also) stated that some parts of the waagent script are rather obsolete or unnecessary. A huge part of the waagent script can

[Bug 1410835] Re: Azure ephemeral disk and custom mount points

2015-01-16 Thread trialotto
Daniel, I was aware of DataSourceAzure.py and cc_mounts.py and the fact that built-in config for Azure requires declaration of sdb (and not ephemeral0). The before mentioned fact is only an inconvenience for users that would like to declare custom mount points and make the mistake to use an in

[Bug 1410835] Re: Azure ephemeral disk and custom mount points

2015-01-16 Thread trialotto
@Daniel, I just read your latest (two) posts, I was not able to read them while commenting, my apologies. The makeswap bug (when using partitions) is very different from the swap bug and the alias bug. In short: - the swap bug can be resolved by sanitizing declarations of form [ swap, x, x,

[Bug 1374115] Re: Allow cloud-config to modify partitioning and mount point of temporary resource disk in Azure

2015-01-16 Thread trialotto
@Stephen, The mount location CAN be changed by setting - ResourceDisk.Format=y (instead of n) AND - ResourceDisk.MountPoint=/opt (or any other directory, instead of /mnt) in waagent.conf. The change becomes effective after a shutdown and start-up sequence (and I assume the same applies to a

[Bug 1374166] Re: Document how to add swap space on Azure resource disk

2015-01-16 Thread trialotto
@Daniel, I did all the testing before and came to the same result (as you are probably aware of) BUT with a different CONCLUSION. I personally concluded that the use of swap partitions, if ever desirable, is (also) not desirable in the current case AND certainly not on an ephemeral disk, given

[Bug 1374115] Re: Allow cloud-config to modify partitioning and mount point of temporary resource disk in Azure

2015-01-16 Thread trialotto
@Stephen, I think you know why I stated that the ResourceDisk.Format variable is a remarkable explanation for specific behaviour of waagent. It must also be clear why I (also) stated that some parts of the waagent script are rather obsolete or unnecessary. A huge part of the waagent script can

[Bug 1410824] Re: Swap space with mounts module not working

2015-01-15 Thread trialotto
@Scott, At the moment, the dd command is being used in version 0.7.6 of cloud- init, with a noticeable impact on provisioning speed. Is it possible to use the fallocate command? This would also be convenient for resizing swap space, for instance by using fallocate -o option. Kind regards

[Bug 1410824] Re: Swap space with mounts module not working

2015-01-15 Thread trialotto
@Scott, At the moment, the dd command is being used in version 0.7.6 of cloud- init, with a noticeable impact on provisioning speed. Is it possible to use the fallocate command? This would also be convenient for resizing swap space, for instance by using fallocate -o option. Kind regards

[Bug 1410824] Re: Swap space with mounts module not working

2015-01-15 Thread trialotto
@Scott, The output info is not that detailed, I get something like Jan 16 01:23:12 swap1 [CLOUDINIT] util.py[DEBUG]: Cloud-init v. 0.7.5 finished at Fri. when creating a Linux VM on Azure, with Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS. The cc_mounts.py does certainly not include the new code for the swap file.

[Bug 1410824] Re: Swap space with mounts module not working

2015-01-15 Thread trialotto
@Scott, The output info is not that detailed, I get something like Jan 16 01:23:12 swap1 [CLOUDINIT] util.py[DEBUG]: Cloud-init v. 0.7.5 finished at Fri. when creating a Linux VM on Azure, with Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS. The cc_mounts.py does certainly not include the new code for the swap file.

[Bug 1410824] Re: Swap space with mounts module not working

2015-01-15 Thread trialotto
@Scott, By the way, the release 0.7.6 is ready for packaging, if I am not mistaken. Note that the package above AND the 0.7.7 version can be used in Azure Linux VMs with Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (Trusty). Performance seems to be improving on the Trusty machines, if using the latest packages. Also

[Bug 1410824] Re: Swap space with mounts module not working

2015-01-15 Thread trialotto
@Scott, By the way, the release 0.7.6 is ready for packaging, if I am not mistaken. Note that the package above AND the 0.7.7 version can be used in Azure Linux VMs with Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (Trusty). Performance seems to be improving on the Trusty machines, if using the latest packages. Also

[Bug 1410835] Re: Azure ephemeral disk and custom mount points

2015-01-15 Thread trialotto
@Stephen, The non-persistence of device names is indeed a bug, even though device names can be declared by cloud-config settings. With respect to the Azure Linux Agent, it should be noted that one has the option to use a standard declaration of device names (and partitions, if desired), instead

[Bug 1410835] Re: Azure ephemeral disk and custom mount points

2015-01-15 Thread trialotto
@Stephen, The non-persistence of device names is indeed a bug, even though device names can be declared by cloud-config settings. With respect to the Azure Linux Agent, it should be noted that one has the option to use a standard declaration of device names (and partitions, if desired), instead

[Bug 1410835] [NEW] Azure ephemeral disk and custom mount points

2015-01-14 Thread trialotto
Public bug reported: The creation of custom mount points with cloud-config, when creating a (linux) VM in Azure, is fairly simple, with some caveats. However, the format [ ephemeralX, mount point ] is not working properly, even when explicitly declaring device aliases. The format [ sdb,

[Bug 1410824] [NEW] Swap space with mounts module not working

2015-01-14 Thread trialotto
Public bug reported: The cloud config settings # swap can also be set up by the 'mounts' module # default is to not create any swap files, because 'size' is set to 0 swap: filename: /swap.img size: auto or size in bytes maxsize: size in bytes will not result in a swap space. Some big

[Bug 1410824] [NEW] Swap space with mounts module not working

2015-01-14 Thread trialotto
Public bug reported: The cloud config settings # swap can also be set up by the 'mounts' module # default is to not create any swap files, because 'size' is set to 0 swap: filename: /swap.img size: auto or size in bytes maxsize: size in bytes will not result in a swap space. Some big

[Bug 1410835] [NEW] Azure ephemeral disk and custom mount points

2015-01-14 Thread trialotto
Public bug reported: The creation of custom mount points with cloud-config, when creating a (linux) VM in Azure, is fairly simple, with some caveats. However, the format [ ephemeralX, mount point ] is not working properly, even when explicitly declaring device aliases. The format [ sdb,

[Bug 1311463] Re: disk-setup unable to partition disks

2015-01-14 Thread trialotto
Problem should not occur on Ubuntu Trusty 14.04.1 LTS -- You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Server Team, which is subscribed to cloud-init in Ubuntu. https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1311463 Title: disk-setup unable to partition disks To manage notifications

[Bug 1311463] Re: disk-setup unable to partition disks

2015-01-14 Thread trialotto
Problem should not occur on Ubuntu Trusty 14.04.1 LTS -- You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu. https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1311463 Title: disk-setup unable to partition disks To manage notifications about this bug go

[Bug 1374115] Re: Allow cloud-config to modify partitioning and mount point of temporary resource disk in Azure

2015-01-13 Thread trialotto
The mount location can be reconfigured in the waagent.conf file, after provisioning of the VM. A shut-down and start-up sequence is required, in order to let the changed settings become effective. It is not desirable and/or advisable to change partitioning and/or mount locations on creation

[Bug 1374115] Re: Allow cloud-config to modify partitioning and mount point of temporary resource disk in Azure

2015-01-13 Thread trialotto
The mount location can be reconfigured in the waagent.conf file, after provisioning of the VM. A shut-down and start-up sequence is required, in order to let the changed settings become effective. It is not desirable and/or advisable to change partitioning and/or mount locations on creation

[Bug 1374166] Re: Document how to add swap space on Azure resource disk

2015-01-13 Thread trialotto
@Cracco, The discussion has to do with creating (persistent) swap space, on the resource (ephemeral) disk, without adding additional disks. In essence, you provide a solution, but the solution ignores the possibility to use some of the unused disk space on the resource disk. Furthermore, your

[Bug 1374166] Re: Document how to add swap space on Azure resource disk

2015-01-13 Thread trialotto
@Cracco, The discussion has to do with creating (persistent) swap space, on the resource (ephemeral) disk, without adding additional disks. In essence, you provide a solution, but the solution ignores the possibility to use some of the unused disk space on the resource disk. Furthermore, your