Well, I've tried a number of the podcasts in .ogg format, and none of them do
anything out of the ordinary. However, I'm running feisty, so perhaps it's an
edgy thing. I'm unassigning this from myself as I have no way to confirm this
bug on my machine.
Best of luck,
Jacob Torrey
** Changed in:
Okay, here is my uname output:
Linux ubuntu 2.6.17-11-386 #2 Fri May 18 23:37:00 UTC 2007 i686
The website I was on which caused the problem was www.ubuntuos.com which
is the UbuntuOS Podcast. Im not sure what other information I can give
you, but if you need anything else just ask.
Thanks for the report, if you could possibly provide a little more information,
that would help us fix this bug quicker. If you could provide the output of
uname -a and which podcasting site causes Firefox to crash, so we can test this
on other machines to attempt to narrow down the problem.
Debug output for firefox.
** Attachment added: "_usr_lib_firefox_firefox-bin.1000.crash"
firefox crash when selecting the "Save Link As" menu item
You received this bug noti