Dear everyone of my friends, family and contacts,

I have recently signed the cause Grant asylum to Li Zheng.

In order to "Grant asylum to Li Zheng" we need another 9999994 to reach the
target of 10000000 signatures.

Help "Grant asylum to Li Zheng"

Li Zheng is a Chinese national who is claiming asylum in the UK on the basis
that she is a member of a persecuted group within her native China, and
thus, if deported, could face persecution by the authorities which may
result in her arbitrary detention,

Li Zheng is a Chinese national who is claiming asylum in the UK on the basis
that she is a member of a persecuted group within her native China, and
thus, if deported, could face persecution by the authorities which may
result in her arbitrary detention, torture, or even execution.

She has - as of Friday, 3 July 2009 - once again been detained when
reporting to the UKBA (UK Border Authority), as required by the asylum
process. She is now threatened with deportation on Tuesday, 7 July 2009.

Please join us URGENTLY in petitioning the UK government and UKBA (UK Border
Agency) to release Li Zheng from detention immediately, cease all actions
directed toward her deportation, and grant her permanent asylum within the
UK, to which she can legitimately lay claim, as outlined below.

Li Zheng is, demonstrably, a devoted practitioner of the Falun Gong (also
known as Falun Dafa) spiritual practice. There is a wealth of evidence that
followers of Falun Gong face persecution by the authorities in their native
China which can, and has, resulted in arbitrary detention, torture, and even
death; as documented by:

Amnesty International


The Telegraph


The Times


Falun Dafa Info Center

Those residents of the UK (including British nationals such as I, Matt
Bensted) who know Li Zheng on a one-to-one basis, and/ or as the mother of
Meng "Coco" Tian, can testify that she is as a woman of impeccable
character, and a regular attendee of Falun Gong practice sessions,
conventions, and protests.

The UKBA's own website states clearly that:

"To be recognised as a refugee, you must have left your country and be
unable to go back because you have a well-founded fear of persecution.

"The United Kingdom also adheres to the European Convention on Human Rights,
which prevents us sending someone to a country where there is a real risk
they will be exposed to torture, or inhuman or degrading treatment or

Ms Li Zheng clearly fulfils these criteria, and we ask that the goverment
grants her the asylum to which she is so clearly entitled.

We, the undersigned, petition the UK government and UKBA (UK Border
Authority) to: release Li Zheng from detention immediately; cease all
actions directed toward her deportation; and grant her permanent asylum
within the UK.

Ms Li Zheng is a devoted practitioner of Falun Gong, which means she faces a
real risk of arbitrary detention, torture, and even execution in her native
China. Therefore, she can legitimately lay claim to asylum in accordance
with both stated UKBA policy, and the European Convention on Human Rights.

With the above in mind, I ask that the UK government grants her the asylum
to which she is so clearly entitled.

Sign the petition and help make your voice heard:

Wear the badge on your myspace profile and help create awareness of the
Please forward this cause to all of your friends to help create awareness
and help us to reach the target.

your support is *really* appreciated, thank you


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