[Bug 1727031] Re: use dummy UUIDs for NM; since those would change every boot

2018-02-14 Thread Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
For now part of this is "fixed" as netplan only generates UUIDs for the interfaces that really need them: only for NM, and only for VLAN devices. nplan (0.32) bionic; urgency=medium * src/nm.c: better handle the UUID generation; the order of iterating through interaces may affect things her

[Bug 1727031] Re: use dummy UUIDs for NM; since those would change every boot

2017-10-24 Thread Steve Langasek
The underlying justification here is that currently, we are wasting (possibly scarce) entropy at each boot to generate a UUID whose global uniqueness provides no particular value to us because it doesn't persist across reboots (therefore you can't usefully refer to it from elsewhere anyway). We ha