I find a solution...
I don't kwon how i did but i had change users and passwords...
so i try to repair using sudoers and start to work again but with
problems, i had install again ubuntu and now no problems.
help can't change my programs, even install and remove
We are closing this bug report because it lacks the information we need
to investigate the problem, as described in the previous comments.
Please reopen it if you can give us the missing information, and don't
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I have the same problem and I suspect it's due to the fact that I used
the network dialog to change my domain name as well as add an extra host
In dutch it's explained here:
help can't change my programs, even install and remove
** Attachment added: "Dependencies.txt"
** Attachment added: "ProcMaps.txt"
** Attachment added: "ProcStatus.txt"
help c
Hi, and thanks for reporting this bug. Please answer the following
Does this error occur in Synaptic Package Manager, Add/Remove, or both?
Does 'sudo apt-get install package-name' work?
** Changed in: synaptic (Ubuntu)
Sourcepackagename: yelp => synaptic
Status: New => Incomple