Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Ubuntu
better. We are closing this bug report because it lacks the information we need
to investigate the problem, as described in the previous comments. Please
reopen it if you can give us the missing information, and don't he
1. What happens when you try to change the resolution from the Cheese
2. What resolution do you get when you preview the default video input using
command gstreamer-properties?
3. Also, There is debugging information missing from the bug report.
Could you run the following command in
apport information
** Tags added: apport-collected
** Description changed:
Binary package hint: cheese
The U and V planes are swapped. Also it defaults to 320x240 which is
pretty lame for a 720p camera!
It works perfectly with:
luvcview -s 1280x720 (except it does freeze the
Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Ubuntu
better. Please execute the following command, as it will automatically gather
debugging information, in a terminal:
apport-collect 677402
This will help us to find and resolve the problem. Thanks in advance!
When reportin
PS: Forgot to add this luvcview debug info, and the attached output of
Also note, colours are correct with luvcview using -f yuv and -f jpg
$ luvcview -L
luvcview 0.2.6
SDL information:
Video driver: x11
A window manager is available
Device information:
Device path: /dev/video0