I think my problem is the same I have read. My USB Wireless device uses
the zd1211rw module. When I boot my system, the network-manager applet
starts spinning trying to find my wireless network. There I can have
three situations:

1. While is searching, I do something else, as opening a terminal or the
browser. After that, the system hangs.

2. While it searches, I do nothing. It doesn't connect, but clicking on
the icon I see that it has found my network. I click on the network and
the icon starts spinning again, but it doesn't connect either :( I try
again: I click in the list on my network, the icon starts spinning, then
I click on my network again and... wow, the green lights turn on and it

3. While it searches, I click in the icon, choose in the list my
network, click on it and the green lights appear :)

The first situation is very strange. But the other two... I see that my
network is detected so, why doesn't it connect automatically?

fails to connect in feisty

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