
On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 06:14:28PM +0100, Philipp Gassmann wrote:
> We talked about meeting on January 26 for planning the release party.
> I proposed that we could meet at the Puzzle ITC Office in Bern, someone
> else suggested Zurich. We didn't yet talk about the time.
> Should we meet in Bern for Lunch or in the evening, after work, so that
> everyone can attend?
> I propose *January 26, 18:00 - Meeting for Planning*
> at our office
> Puzzle ITC
> Belpstrasse 37
> 3007 Bern

While I would really like to go I am afraid I won't be able to make
it. If you could give some short overview in a mail on this list about
what has been decided in the meeting that would be awesome!

April the 26th I already have reserved in my calendar.



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