Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Free Software Foundation" <>
> Subject: Will Ubuntu Edge commit to using only free software?
> Dear ,
> Ubuntu is aiming to raise $32 million in crowdfunding to fund Ubuntu Edge, a 
> mobile computer that can dual-boot between Android and Ubuntu GNU/Linux.
> Will Ubuntu Edge commit to using only free software? If the project succeeds 
> and has $32 million available to spend, this is surely possible, but there is 
> no indication in any of the promotional materials that this is part of the 
> plan.
> Isn't Android already free software? In theory, yes, but in practice, no. To 
> work on actual hardware, Android ends up relying on device drivers that are 
> either outright proprietary or use proprietary firmware blobs. All commonly 
> available Android devices also come with proprietary software applications 
> installed.
> This is why today we announced a fundraising partnership with the Replicant 
> project, which produces a version of Android that runs on existing devices 
> without proprietary system software.
> Isn't Ubuntu already always committed to free software? No. Ubuntu's default 
> GNU/Linux distribution includes nonfree drivers, and its software marketplace 
> promotes proprietary programs.
> But, we don't want to make assumptions about what Ubuntu Edge will or won't 
> be. We and many other free software supporters excited about the possibility 
> of a GNU/Linux mobile device would like to hear official confirmation:
> Will the Ubuntu Edge versions of both Android and Ubuntu contain or rely on 
> any proprietary software or proprietary firmware?
> Will the Ubuntu Edge include any Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) 
> software?
> Will the device's bootloader be free software?
> Will the device have Restricted Boot, or will users be able to replace the 
> operating system with a free one of their choice?
> Will Ubuntu Edge include F-Droid, the free software Android application 
> repository, as part of a commitment to promote and recommend only free 
> software?
> Ubuntu in the past has said they are forced to make temporary compromises in 
> software freedom in order to have their operating system work on the 
> computers people own and speed adoption of free software. But in this case, 
> Ubuntu would have the chance to dictate the design of the hardware 
> themselves. Software freedom should be the foundation of that design. There 
> is no reason for compromise.
> Conveniently, Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth is doing an AMA on Reddit 
> starting at 12:30 EDT, so maybe we will get some answers.
> This post can be viewed online at 
> -- 
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