On Wed, 2008-09-17 at 00:03 +0200, Cesare Tirabassi wrote:
> Dear all,
> after having talked with Seb, I have started cleaning-up the desktop team 
> wiki 
> pages (so, don't worry if you don't find things in their usual places ...).
> So far I cleaned up the portal, created a new header entry (news, for the 
> monthly report) and created a new page which lists all desktop owned packages 
> with ubuntu and debian versions:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Desktop/Packages
> I would appreciate to know if I missed any desktop package or if I should 
> remove any from this list.
> Tomorrow I will try to finish with the remaining pages and see if I can hack 
> something to easily retrieve upstream versions for the packages page (I guess 
> a check of the uscan source should prove useful).

Maybe we can use and change debian-gnome-status.py from Debian
http://www.0d.be/debian/debian-gnome-2.22-status.html to gen the

This scripts uses dak and searches on the pkg-gnome svn the versions,
perhaps we can change this to use rmadison and work from there.

I don't have much python knowledge to do this, perhaps Emilio or Daniel
are more comfortable with this.

> Mind that this is work in progress but please let me know if you already have 
> some major problem or further suggestions.
> Cesare
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 `-O  Linux for Human Beings

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