I don't think you waste time installing Xubuntu by additionally
complementing it by installing ubuntustudio-graphics. For those who
don't use drawing software, downloading and installing Gimp is waste
of time and capacity anyway. For me default Xubuntu has never been all
I need and I have always complemented it by some software. On the
other hand it has always had some software that I have not used.

If floating toolboxes of Gimp are disturbing, one option is to post a
feature request to Gimp. You can address the scary characters to
developers. Some software such as xine have different user interface
modes for people who have different experience level. Throwing all
work away is not the only option. You can make toolboxes float in
Pinta, too, BTW. (Once I made one of its toolbox float, I could not
undo it the way I wanted, though.)

It might not be wise to learn to use some random image manipulation
program and later notice it can not do what you want. The original
poster Bruno Benitez requested some standard simple editor, but I am
afraid it does not exist. Pinta is pretty new, I would not call it
standard, at least yet. However, its user interface might be somewhat

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