
I want to report a bug in proftpd-basic.

I installed this software thru "apt install proftpd-basic" and got verion 

In this version there is a memory leak because when I transfer huge amounts of 
data (in my example approx. 500GB) all available RAM got "cached" and Linux 
starts to use swap!

System-information: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-72-generic x86_64) 
headless server edition

My CUSTOM proftpd.conf file:
# FTP-Benutzer benötigen keine gültige Shell
    RequireValidShell off

# IPv6 deaktivieren (falls gewünscht)
UseIPv6 off

# Home-Verzeichnis als Stammverzeichnis der FTP-Benutzer festlegen
DefaultRoot ~ ftpuser

# Login nur für Benutzer der Gruppe "ftpuser" erlauben
<Limit LOGIN>
    DenyGroup !ftpuser

I changed nothing in the main config.
Files are transfered from a Windows 10 machine.

Best regards!

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