Warning vulnerability in monitoring-plugins : incomplete SSL certificate verify

2017-03-31 Thread Shopping Ruan
Hi developers: Nowadays we made a large scale security static analysis on several open source projects, and found some mistakes in monitoring-plugins-2.1.2. In the @plugins/sslutils.c:164: int np_net_ssl_check_cert(int days_till_exp_warn, int days_till_exp_crit){ # ifdef USE_OPENSSL [...]

no SSL certificate verify

2017-03-31 Thread Shopping Ruan
Hi developers: Nowadays we made a large scale security static analysis on several open source projects, and found some mistakes in uhub_0.4.1. In the @src/network/ openssl.c:245: ssize_t net_con_ssl_handshake(struct net_connection* con, enum net_con_ssl_mode ssl_mode, struct

Warning vulnerability in elog : no SSL certificate verify

2017-03-31 Thread Shopping Ruan
Hi developers: Nowdays we made a large scale security static analysis on several open source projects,and found some mistakes in elog-3.1.1-1.In the@src /elog.c:300: int ssl_connect(int sock, SSL ** ssl_con) { SSL_METHOD *meth; SSL_CTX *ctx; SSL_library_init();