
I now have a new patch for the akhand rendering bug for Telugu
https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=579398 and Kannada bug
Share link below( availability could be temporary for couple of  months)

The folder includes patched binaries for intel 386 based Ubuntu 10.04
systems and an improved portable indic test file.
Available at 
for using with http://girgit.chitthajagat.in/ to produce other
language test files. These could be useful  to assess how your text
rendering support is performing in your computer system.

Caution: Please take backup of your pango1.0  and pango1.0-common
before installing the new versions.

Request your help to test and provide feedback.
Help to produce rpm versions or other installables
Your feedback about the impact of this patch on your indic language,
can help a lot in  taking this to upstream, as pango is shared module
for all indic languages.


On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 12:47 PM, arjuna rao chavala
<arjunar...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to add the steps for restoring to your previous version, which I had 
> to discover after a harrowing session, as I selected to uninstall the new 
> files through synaptic and it deleted  almost the entire  Ubuntu :-( .
> You should keep the pango files of your distribution handy, by going to the 
> CD/DVD (/media/Ubuntu 10.04 LTS i386/pool/main/p/pango1.0/) or downloading 
> from the net.
> libpango1.0-0_1.28.0-0ubuntu2_i386.deb
> libpango1.0-common_1.28.0-0ubuntu2_all.deb
> When you want to restore to your original packages
> please open terminal and change to the directory, where you kept the original 
> packages
> $dpkg -i --force downgrade libpango*.deb
> Logout and then login.
> Your system should be back to normal.
> Hope this helps.
> Something similar may be needed for those using .rpm files.
> In case you have not tested, hope this helps.
> Regards
> Arjun
> 2010/7/5 arjuna rao chavala <arjunar...@googlemail.com>
>> Hi,
>> I have shared the relevent files in this Google document folder (url below)
>> https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B9VHTVzubonwOWU4MzdjNDEtOWMyNi00Nzk4LTk1YTItZmMzYWIzNDcyMjU3&hl=en
>> Though there are several files in that folder, you need to work with
>> only few, hence do not worry.
>> 1. First download the  test file kshproblem.txt for Telugu or use the
>> following step to convert it and create your test file.
>> 2. Transliterate  this to your language using Firefox(Chrome did not
>> work) at the site.  http://girgit.chitthajagat.in/
>> with the input as
>> http://font-render.blogspot.com/2010/07/ksh-akhand-rendering-test-page.html
>> and selected desired language. After conversion, copy the converted
>> text to a text file kshproblem-<lang code>.txt
>> 3. Open the language test file with gedit and note if there are any
>> problems in the language under test
>> 4. Download  debian binaries
>> libpango1.0-0_1.28.0-0ubuntu3_i386.deb
>> libpango1.0-common_1.28.0-0ubuntu3_all.deb
>> 5. Install by double clicking on them
>> I have given additional files in the share folder, in case there are
>> more dependencies than what I listed above. (It is my first attempt to
>> build debian packages).
>> 6. Check whether packages are updated (you will see 1.28.0-0ubuntu3 when
>> you give the command in fully maximized terminal
>> $ dpkg -l "*pango*" )
>> ii  libpango1.0-0                 1.28.0-0ubuntu3               Layout
>> and rendering of internationalized text
>> ii  libpango1.0-common            1.28.0-0ubuntu3
>> Modules and configuration files for the Pango
>> 7. open kshproblem.txt or the transliterated version (step 2) with
>> gedit and check any problem with akhands in your language
>> 8. Use Firefox or any software which uses Gnome for rendering of text
>> in language under test by visiting wikipedia or other unicode
>> websites. (Firefox is broken for  Telugu rendering by repeating words
>> with this fix). Check with Chrome if  you have problem with Firefox.
>> 9. Please share your testing results along with the language font
>> (Lohit or others) you used by replying to this thread or posting it as
>> a comment on the Telugu bug
>> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=579398
>> If you are interested in building from source, please use the file
>> pango1.0-1.28.1.tar.bz2 or apply the patch
>> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=135652 at Telugu bug to
>> indic-fc.c
>> The known issues of the fix: Character positioning is happening over
>> the character cluster apart from character cluster edges in gedit. If
>> you have any tips to fix this, please share.
>> For more on font rendering status:  http://behdad.org/text/
>> Thanks in advance again for your support
>> Regards
>> Arjun
>> 2010/7/4 arjuna rao chavala <arjunar...@googlemail.com>:
>> > Hi Friends,
>> >
>> > Pango still has   few  rendering issues  with Telugu and Kannada,
>> > notably with Akhand (k+sha and its matra variants processing)
>> > https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=579398
>> > https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=604060
>> > These were detected over one year back. Even the fix was developed,
>> > but kept pending as Firefox has rendering problems (for Telugu only)
>> > with the fix. Now Chrome is available as an alternate browser, I would
>> > like to move ahead to submit the patch upstream and pursue for
>> > inclusion in the next release.
>> >
>> > I have validated the issue in 1.28. and also verified that the patch
>> > works for Telugu (sure), Kannada and that there is no regression for
>> > Hindi (confident). As the Indic module is common to several  other
>> > languages, I need help to test  the patch for any regression with
>> > other languages also confirm my findings with Kannada and Hindi.
>> >
>> > I have  built  Debian packages with the fix  for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
>> > (libpango1.0-common_1.28.0-0ubuntu3_all.deb,
>> > libpango1.0-0_1.28.0-0ubuntu3_i386.deb and few other libraries)  to
>> > speed up this process and can share the same. In case of  any problem,
>> > you can easily revert to the previous packages by a reinstall through
>> > your package manager. Testing is though visiting few websites of your
>> > language or editing an article using gedit and also checking for any
>> > akhand combinations of your language. I will provide a test file for
>> > each of the language for any Akhand issues.
>> >
>> > Please reply to this email against the languages that you can test. I
>> > am looking for at least two people to test for each language.
>> >
>> > Devanagari (Hindi) ..Arjun
>> > Bengali
>> > Gurumukhi
>> > Gujarathi
>> > Oriya
>> > Tamil
>> > Telugu ..Arjun
>> > Kannada..Arjun
>> > Malayalam
>> > Sinhala
>> >
>> > As Indic language applications on Linux for e-governance and
>> > e-commerce are increasing, we can't afford to continue to live with
>> > issues with Indic rendering on Gnome.
>> >
>> > Thanks in advance for your cooperation
>> >
>> > Best regards
>> > Arjun
>> >
>> > PS: Technical details of the issue: The Akhand needs to be handled
>> > through GSUB at the character cluster level. It is being done in
>> > (1.28.x) after the entire glyph sequence is converted for a word/span
>> > of text. The patch fixes the same.
>> >

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