ACTA's something i think concerns all of us, so i'm trying to
distribute this as widely as possible.

Here's the petition:

If you'd like to help pass this on i also posted to identica and reddit:

   *      ACTA must respect sharing and cooperation: it must do
nothing that would hinder the unremunerated noncommercial making,
copying, giving, lending, owning, using, transporting, importing or
exporting of any objects or works.
   *      ACTA must not weasel about what is commercial: no labeling
of any noncommercial activities as somehow commercial-like or treating
them as if they were commercial.
   *      ACTA must not tighten digital handcuffs: it must not hinder
any activity in regard to any product on account of its capacity to
circumvent technical measures that restrict use of copies of works of
   *      ACTA must not interfere with individuals' noncommercial use
of the Internet (whether or not carried out using commmercial Internet
services) or undermine individuals' right or ability to connect to the
   *      ACTA must not require anyone to collect or release any data
about individuals' use of the Internet. It must not harm privacy
rights or other human rights.
   *      ACTA must not hold the companies that implement the
Internet responsible for the substance of their customers'
communications. (For example, no punishment by disconnection, neither
explicitly required or indirectly compelled.)
   *      ACTA must not require copyright or patents, or any law
similar to one of those, to attach to any particular sort of thing or
   *      ACTA must not make any requirements about what acts
constitute civil infringement, or what acts constitute criminal
infringement, of copyright law, or patent law, or any law similar to
one of those.
   *      ACTA must not use the propaganda term "intellectual
property" or try to treat copyright law and patent law as a single
   *      ACTA must not stretch the term "counterfeiting" to apply to
copyright or patent infringement.
   *      If ACTA includes a mechanism for amendment, it must apply
these requirements to all future amendments of ACTA.

Or, as a simpler alternative,

   * Cancel ACTA entirely. Although parts of it are not
objectionable, they are secondary to ACTA's threat to our freedom.
Unless we are sure that the repressive aspects of ACTA are blocked,
the main significance of ACTA is as a threat to society. Killing ACTA
would be a fine way to get rid of this threat.


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Every (in)decision matters.

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