
Every Thursday at 16:00 UTC.

The minutes for the IRC meeting held Thursday 2008-04-17 at
1600UTC are up at:

We'll be having the next IRC meeting on #ubuntu-mobile, on
Thursday 2008-04-24 at >>1600 UTC<<, which is a new time one hour earlier.

The new meeting page for this weeks meeting is at:

Please add any topics of conversation that need to be covered at:

Please make sure to post status reports to this list before 1400 UTC on
Thursday, and if you have agenda items, please add them to the page on
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/Meeting/20080424 before the
meeting.  It will also greatly help if you tag your agenda items with
your name or IRC nick.

The meeting history page with links to prior meetings is at:

Thank you,


David Mandala <davidm at canonical dot com>
http://www.canonical.com/ Public Key id: 45B2D952
Murphy TX, 75094 +1.214.774.2569 O +1.972.693.4007 C

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