Hello Brian!

shotwell is in quite a good shape since every bug is triaged by shotwell
developers themselves. appmenu-gtk does not have too many bugs or anything
serious except for some compatibility issues. gabble have a very few bugs
reported half of which are not-so-serious crash reports. so I think this
method of evaluation is not accurate.

So this

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 2:22 AM, Brian Murray <br...@ubuntu.com> wrote:

> As we all know there are a lot of packages and bugs to keep track of in
> Ubuntu.  One idea that occurred to me recently, to help identify
> packages in need of triage, was to calculate an average bug heat for the
> particular package.  I've made a first pass at this using all the
> packages in the ubuntu-desktop package set.  Here are the top 10
> packages:
> usb-modeswitch-data - median: 764, mode: 1448
> language-pack-gnome-fa-base - median: 408, mode: 408
> language-pack-gnome-pt - median: 318, mode: 318
> couchdb-glib - median: 210, mode: 210
> netbook-meta - median: 145, mode: 408
> pyopenssl - median: 136, mode: 259
> shotwell - median: 124, mode: 6
> appmenu-gtk - median: 122, mode: 408
> gnome-python-extras - median: 114, mode: 3
> telepathy-gabble - median: 104, mode: 49
> As I ran this last Friday there might be some variance in the numbers.
> I'm curious whether or not you think the bug reports for these packages
> really need reviewing.
> Thanks,
> --
> Brian Murray
> Ubuntu Bug Master
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> --
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