On 23/12/11 20:33, Gema Gomez wrote:
On 23/12/2011 10:31, Brendan Donegan wrote:

Testing a Precise daily today, I tried to log in to Ubuntu One, but came


I use Ubuntu One to keep my SSH keys synchronized across systems, as
well as other useful bits and pieces for doing development (my .bashrc
and .vimrc for example). I therefore find it pretty essential that I can
use U1 on any install I make.

I'd like to propose an Ubuntu One smoke test to be added to the smoke
tests being run on the daily images. Any objections?


Sounds good to me, if we manage to deploy the test data correctly, which
the tests we have don't do yet. This is supposed to be an automated
test, right?

Does this make sense for Desktop and Server or only Desktop?


It should be automated, yes - if possible. Just logging in to a test U1 account and checking a file is synced would do the trick.

The U1 client is only available on the desktop afaik.

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