I am pasting bellow an answer from John Johansen whom is not subscribed
to this list.

On 03/14/2010 11:36 AM, DULMANDAKH Sukhbaatar wrote:
> As new Ubuntu LTS version is approaching I started to think about
> > migrating my servers to it. To make future migrations smooth I started
> > playing with Lucid and testing it. As a part of it I'm creating
> > apparmor profile for php5-cgi. I found apparmor abstraction for php5
> > useful, but found two problems in it. First was just easy so I fixed
> > and filed a bug (#538661 )with patch. And last and bigger is path to
> > php5 extensions.


> >
> > php5's abstraction is allowing php5 to load its extensions from
> > /usr/lib{64,}/php5/{libexec,extensions}/, but php5-* packages in
> > ubuntu install extensions in /usr/lib/php5/PHP_API_VERSION or
> > /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs in Lucid. so php5 cannot load extensions,
> >
> > I was thinking about solutions to it and found three of them. First,
> > let's change abstraction so php5 can load extenstions from
> > /usr/lib/php5/**. Secone one is just change path in php5 abstraction
> > file to include PHP_API_VERSION, and make such change in every
> > release. Last one is change php5 packaging so it'll install extension
> > in fixed directory.
> >

fourth: use a variable to describe extension locations
- basically the same your second solution, except the change is
  centralized to a variable.


  I know this is already basically centralized in the include but the
 variable would allow it to be used separate from the include too.
 It also allows easy extension of the abstractions by just assigning
 a new value to it.


 The variable gives the option of having rules that reference
 PHP_EXTENSIONS with different permissions.  I am not sure how
 useful that would be atm.

Another option that can be used on its own or with the variable is
using a directory include, in the php abstraction and then dropping
extensions to the abstraction in that dir.  Basically the directory
include will include any file in the directory, so to expand the
abstraction you can just drop in a new file.  This can aid packaging,
as different packages can then drop relevant bits into a file owned
by the package.

When combined with the variable, it can extend the variable and thus
all rules referencing it.

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