Bugs last updated on 2022-11-01 (Tuesday)
Date range identified as: "Wednesday triage"
Found 17 bugs

https://pad.lv/1988589 - (Incomplete)     [mysql-8.0]         - Impossible to 
change the server port
  Lena is on top of this one AFAICT. Am just mentioning this one here because
  it's marked as incomplete and the reporter provideded additional info without
  reseting the status. I will leave this (resetting status) to Lena's judgement.

https://pad.lv/1993478 - (Triaged)        [openssh]           - package 
openssh-server 1:9.0p1-1ubuntu7 failed to install/u…
  There is a patch available in the bug and other stakeholders are already on
  top of this one (foundations is subscribed). I did not touch this one.

https://pad.lv/1995260 - (New)            [dnsmasq]           - dnsmasq focal 
2.80 NODATA instead of NXDOMAIN bug
  This is a patch-on-a-plate bug fixed upstream a while ago. I subscribed the
  team and added it to server-todo.

https://pad.lv/1995294 - (Triaged)        [openssh]           - rmdir: failed 
to remove '/etc/systemd/system/ssh.socket.d':…
  This has all the SRU paperwork ready. It is being driven by foundations. I
  did not touch this one.

https://pad.lv/1995312 - (New)            [postfix]           - postfix dovecot 
tls error
  This is the already known SSL EOF bug we fixed in nginx and php already. I
  subscribed the team and added a server-todo tag to it.

Bugs tagged "-needs-merge -needs-sync -needs-oci-update -needs-snap-update -needs-mre-backport 
-needs-ppa-backport" and subscribed "ubuntu-server" and not touched in 60 days
Found 0 bugs

Bugs subscribed to ubuntu-server and not touched in 180 days
Found 0 bugs

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