Hi everyone,

A while back I had sent an email asking for people interested in working on a python tool to help migrate ebs AMIs across ec2 regions. Since then the project has progressed a bit:

- Project page is now: https://launchpad.net/ec2-migrate-ebs-ami
- Project is now able to launch two utility instances in the two specified regions, and mount the source volume in the source instance - What remains is attaching a destination volume, and sync'ing over contents. More details can be found on the blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/cloud-server-n-ec2-migrate-region

Development pace has now slowed down significantly, as such I am renewing the call. This is a great way to start getting involved with cloud development, and to join the Ubuntu Cloud and server communities! joining in is "easy", you don't even have to know lots of python to start hacking! The steps are very well defined, and I am happy to help with all steps along the way. If you are thinking about it, go ahead and get in touch with me right now (kim0 on irc, kim0 AT ubuntu.com) or join today's irc meeting (6pm-UTC #ubuntu-cloud https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuCloudMeeting)


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