The bundle of bits from amazon (which are java based) is pretty critical to
have easily available and under maintenance / update policy.

[Anyone tried running them with openjdk, incidentally?  I know they work
perfectly with the Sun JDK bits, but would love to hear reports of them
working well with an all-free-and-no-sun-involved stack.]

The ruby gems would also be pretty crucial, as they enable folks to
programmatically interact with spinups and implement quite a lot of
tweaky/touchy functionality.  [Folks using puppet or chef to manage cloud
instances are quite likely to install them, whether they're packaged
"officially" or not.]

I think there are some python bits (boto?) which I've also heard are in
fairly wide use.


On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 3:46 PM, Mathias Gug <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm looking for feedback on which AWS client libraries should be made
> available
> as part of Ubuntu. Making it easy to develop applications that use AWS and
>  UEC
> services is one of the goal of the Ubuntu Server team. The AWS client
> libraries
> blueprint [1] focuses on listing existing projects and then choose which
> ones
> should be packaged for Lucid.
> [1]:
> If you know of great projects in PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Java (or any
> other
> platform) that help using AWS and UEC services such as EC2 or S3 make a
> note of
> them in the wiki page [2] (preferred choice) or by replying to this email
> thread.
> [2]:
> Thanks,
> --
> Mathias Gug
> Ubuntu Developer
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
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> --
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