36 bugs found this Monday, so triage took some time. Luckily most of the them are already in good hands. A couple are worth mentioning:

# https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/runc/+bug/1927219
context deadline exceeded: unknown in containerd with latest runc version

The user provided additional, good quality information on this potential regression. He also did his best to provide steps to reproduce the problem, but it's not trivial as it requires a Kubernetes cluster with hundreds of containers.

Lucas Kanashiro is going to try to reproduce it with microk8s.

# https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openldap/+bug/1926265
slapd enter in infinite loop on sched_yield syscall

Obscure bug I don't really know how to help triaging. There's now a backtrace but no reproducer. No other similar reports.

Unless Sergio can make better use of the backtrace than me, I think we won't be able to do much on this one without a reproducer.


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