*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 531123 ***
Looking into it, in Karmic and before, tftpd was started with:
OPTIONS="-l -s /var/lib/tftpboot"
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --oknodo --exec $DAEMON -- $OPTIONS
And now it runs with:
I do not changed the directory from "/srv/tftp" to "/var/lib/tftpboot".
I only added the "--secure" option and checked the content and permissions of
the new directory (they were all ok).
Maybe, the two directory are equals after the upgrade and the old
"/var/lib/tftpboot" can be deleted but I ha
Upgraded server from 8.04 LTS to 10.04 LTS on 8/21/2010. Server was
running LTSP with 8.04. Same issue with clients not able to access tftp
directory. The fix suggested by Inno to change the directory and add "
--secure" worked (THANK YOU!):
# /etc/default/tftpd-hpa
I explain better.
At work I have a VM with ubuntu 9.10 that is an upgraded from a 9.04.
With 9.04 i had 2 working clients that do not work with 9.10 (they were old and
have been replaced now).
One client was not able to boot and the other had sound problems.
Then, for testing purpose, i tried at
I did not see the issue myself, but the reporter and another person
(comments #1 and #2) say that for them, /etc/default/tftpd-hpa contained
"/srv/tftp" instead of the expected "/var/lib/tftpboot", and that caused
the message "forbidden directory" to be displayed.
I don't know under which circumst
tftpd-hpa installs by default with /var/lib/tftpd-hpa as its directory, but
that behavior can be changed by a debconf preseeded value.
I can't see any issue in tftpd-hpa itself... Alkis, could you explain in more
details ?
Ccing strgraber, since he worked on making LTSP and tftpd-hpa work
Hi Alkis--
I installed from the desktop CD, not the alternate, and tftpd set up for
/srv. I don't know what the contract is between the various Ubuntu
services like tftp and the many (Ubuntu and custom) applications that
might use them. I assumed that it would be the responsibility of the
As far as I know, this bug consists of three separate bugs, one in
tftpd-hpa (==when installing from the alternate CD tftpd-hpa uses /srv
while when installing from the desktop CD it uses /var/lib/tftpboot),
one in compiz, and a sound problem.
So I'm marking it invalid for LTSP and I'm putting tft