This is a one-time announcement, please see for further discussion.

Okay, so recently Prismatic7 pointed out that the Community Documentation of
UbuntuStudio is getting a
little out of date in some spots (like manually entering the realtime
permissions), and is completely absent in other spots (there's a link to
music notation, but the page doesn't even exist - there ARE multiple
notation programs in UbuntuStuio).

SO, to fix this, the whole community needs to chip in. If the work load is
spread evenly around then it will take no time at all to document the
features of UbuntuStudio. After all, this is the most popular
multimedia-specific linux distribution EVER!!! (or at least according to
distrowatch) In fact, when I put it in those terms, that community
documentation truly seems sad and decrepit. Thus,


I, with the lack of authority vested in me, challenge every member of the
community to step up and pitch in. Edit that documentation to be a shining
example of user-friendly help. Even the newbiest of newbs can help by simply
pointing out what they'd like to see, or even starting to write it
themselves (it's a wiki, so others can correct any mistakes you make).

Here are some ideas to kick start you:
-take a look through what's there already, fill gaps and fix errors
-list some helpful hints on ladspa plugins (warbread, could you organize
this listing to be user-friendly?)
-explain video... ...anything! (the current video page is empty!)
-talk about firewire and ffado (it's in beta testing stages)
-explain workarounds for audacity/pulseaudio issues
-walk a beginner through a recording setup
-walk a beginner through a soft synth setup
-explain vst installation

Try to edit a page every three days (or more!!) for the month of June.
Beginners can do a page a week. No actual commitment of time is enforceable,
but set yourself a goal and try to help.

We can use this thread for discussion of more ideas, requests for pages, and
other such general discussion. I would suggest that we keep specific
discussions on page-related topic to those page's respective "talk pages"
but I couldn't seem to see any such pages (did I miss them?) so I guess
that's kosher for this thread too, though that could get messy (we'll cross
that bridge when we get there).

So I say unto you: Go forth and document!!

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