
Il giorno mar, 19/08/2008 alle 07.43 -0400, Og Maciel ha scritto:


> One could
> argue that those who figure out how to get past this "barrier" are the
> "type" of volunteers you'd want in your team (i.e. they've shown the
> motivation and perseverance, etc), but I feel that this information
> should be made easier to get to somehow.

I agree with you, but it's not that easy.

I think that information inside h.l.n should be as general as possibile,
all the processes of the loco-translators-team should be kept within the
resources of the locoteam.

h.l.n should probably give newcomers a page with links to launchpad
pages of the translator groups where, hopefully, the team should have
set up some more specific information, and h.l.n should suggest getting
involved with the team and to follow their guidelines.

As for the Italian team we too have information scattered here and
there, but this is necessary as there are many places people can look
into, coming from different paths. We have pages in our local wiki,
links in the launchpad page and even a page "Contribuire" [1] (that's
translated as "Contribute") in www.ubuntu-it.org with links and
instructions on how to get in touch with the team (and also all other
Italian teams).

We have a local IRC channel for translators; a direct email to keep in
touch with the team without having to subscribe to the mailing list, but
we decided not to have a board in our forum (as it's a time consuming
work keeping the board up and clean and it would have been another thing
to look after).

As for the "process" to accept new translators, it's more ore less
similar to what you've described for your team. We should use more the
IRC channel for new translators (and this is something that I'm starting
doing in this period).

For the actual work, we don't really assign a package/translation to one
translator... as Launchpad is collaborative, we try to keep it as free
as possibile. The only thing we ask is, "if you want to translate for
Kubuntu, please, don't translate even for Ubuntu as KDE and GNOME, in
Italy, have different conventions". In this case we really would
appreciate the "grouping translations by environment". 

> It would  be nice to hear from other teams leads what they do outside
> of Rosetta to ensure that their teams run smoothly, so that we could
> reach a common denominator and see if some of these "special" bits of
> information can then be added to the UI somehow?

Actually I don't know what kind of information could be added to the UI,
and even if it's possible to add something without "breaking" the UI...
this is something we should really start discussing here.

Cheers! :)

[1] http://www.ubuntu-it.org/index.php?page=contribuire

Milo Casagrande <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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