On 2014.04.24 11:37 Doug Smythies wrote:
> There has been a late and significant
> Merge Proposal submitted for the Ubuntu
> Serverguide.

> Is it O.K. with Translators if we proceed with
> this exception?

> Note that the serverguide is not a released
> package and there is no need to meet the
> NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline of April 3rd.
> April 7th would be good enough and allow time to
> create the help.ubuntu.com changes by the release date.

I will be taking the serverguide translations (.po files)
as of next Monday, April 14th approx 21:00 UTC to
compile and publish:
which currently contains only the development
US-English version.

Also, if translations take longer, such that
you want the 14.04 serverguide published at a later
date, just let me know when.


... Doug

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