On 16 October 2013 11:43, Alan Bell <alanb...@ubuntu.com> wrote:

> Just a reminder, the release date and party is tomorrow night, at the Lord
> Nelson

Yep, got there, met Al who was on his way out. For some reason, that was
the point when people started arriving. Got told off for not wearing an
Ubuntu t-shirt and learnt a lot about touring the USSR with a band in the
90s (and surviving the experience). Oh yeah and there was beer too. All in
all, nothing unexpected from a release party :-)

> Alan.
> On 20/09/13 18:01, Alan Bell wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> it is that time again, another 6 months another release of our favorite
>> operating system. This time it is Ubuntu 13.10 the Saucy Salamander, the
>> first release featuring the new Mir display server and the unveiling of
>> smart scopes which are like scopes, but smarter. The event is once more in
>> a pub in London, this time at the Lord Nelson http://www.**
>> lordnelsonsouthwark.com <http://www.lordnelsonsouthwark.com> which
>> serves a variety of interesting burgers (including their special horse
>> burger) up to 8PM. Once again our friends from Canonical will be joining us
>> at the pub and I understand they will be getting a round in and sorting out
>> some snacks which is nice - they might have some tshirts and other swag too.
>> Details are here, feel free to mark yourself as attending, or simply turn
>> up on the night.
>> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/**ubuntu-uk/2555-saucy-**
>> salamander-release-party/<http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/2555-saucy-salamander-release-party/>
>> Do join us to celebrate the launch of Saucy, and debate the name of the
>> next release (Tenacious Turkey? Talented Termite?)
>> Alan.
> --
> I work at http://libertus.co.uk
> --
> ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/**mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk<https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk>
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