Just as a follow up on this one. I gave up trying to fix my existing user - I couldn't really find much online as to what the issue might have been, and not much on the logs either.

So I just created a new user, and then moved all the data I needed across to that one. It was a PITA and took ages but at least it works now. One bonus is I now have a clean desktop again ;-)


On 07/10/2020 13:02, Liam Proven wrote:
On Wed, 7 Oct 2020 at 10:12, Alan Lord <alansli...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

Hi Alan. Long time no see.

At the weekend I upgraded my desktop PC from 18.04 to 20.04. Every
morning after power up when I log in, once the desktop loads, any icons
on the desktop do not get drawn and all of the launcher buttons do not
respond to mouse clicks (nor does the top bar) so I have to CTL+ALT+F5
and login to a shell and reboot. If I move my ~/.config directory out of
the way, before I log in, then the desktop works OK for the rest of that
day. I can copy directories from the moved ~/.config (for things like
Chrome history, nautilus bookmarks, etc...)


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