On 24/05/10 23:24, Chris Rowson wrote:

    Hi all,

    Just a thought I wanted to put to the list. Considering today's
    news [1]
    and in particular the demise of Becta, the government's technology
    agency for schools, is there an opportunity for FOSS to replace
    some or
all of what Becta used to provide?

I think that the software used in schools will be driven by the support staff delivering IT solutions. Most schools don't have their own IT folk but buy them in from the local authority and/or the private sector. I'd have thought that getting OSS in schools kinda depends on getting it into the organisations who provide IT to schools first...



I know I've not contributed to the list before, but I thought say a little something about this as I work as an IT Technician at a sixth form college. Not quite the same as a school, but would still look to someone like Becta for guidance at least. I have to admit to not knowing a lot of detail about certain things, however:

Yes, a lot of schools use SIMS, but there are alternatives that do the same thing with varying success rates, and yes I believe they are expensive - my college are on at least their fourth alternative since leaving SIMS behind many years ago. Who's to say an Open Source alternative can't be created?

The same goes for Interactive Whiteboards - I've not tried plugging one into my Linux box, but from a programmer's perspective, it's another peripheral with either serial or USB connectivity, the only problem really is the time it might take to write such software.

As far as most software is concerned, the majority we use is proprietary, usually MS or Adobe. I believe this is mostly due to staff being afraid to try something new - the students do use alternatives like OpenOffice at home. There are a few teachers happy to use Open Source, but to try and persuade the entire college to do the same would prove difficult. Also, at college level I'm not sure what the situation might be with "computerised" exams where an examination board provides files to be used during the exam - from experience most such files are MS orientated, (eg. MS Databases). Having said that, with budgets being cut recently it may be give more weight to the Open Source alternative.

I do agree that the support staff delivering IT solutions are the ones who drive a lot of what's used, but I think they should also listen to the requirements of the teachers themselves. Maybe teachers themselves should also be made more aware of the possibilities of Open Source.



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