
I hope you don't mind me emailing this to the list. I know a few people 
on here from the Expo in the Autumn and I figured that this is probably 
a good starting place to reach people in the Open Source and Ubuntu 
communities who are interested in usability and HCI (human-computer 

I'm a member of the British HCI community and, this year, I'm helping 
organise their annual conference, HCI 2007, which will be held at 
Lancaster University, UK in September. I'm responsible for the HCI 
Practice track, which is the particularly non-academic part of the 
conference, where we encourage submissions and participation from HCI 
practitioners (ie anyone who works in interface design/interaction 
design/usability/accessibility/technical writing/etc) who might not be 
up for writing a full academic-style paper but would be interested in 
writing a shorter submission about their experiences or burning issues.

As a part of the Open Source community as well, I am very keen for there 
to be more crossover between the two groups. I know there is already 
some overlap but there must be so many people in the OS community who 
are interested in HCI, interface design, etc and could benefit from 
interacting with HCI people. And vice versa, I think HCI people could 
benefit from understanding OS issues and how they can benefit from and 
contribute to Open Source Software.

So, I've pasted below the abbreviated call for papers. The full first 
call for papers is available at 

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions that the cfp 
doesn't answer. Also, if you know of anyone who might be interested in 
this, please pass on the details below.



You are invited to participate… in HCI 2007: HCI, but not as we know it, 
at the InfoLab, University of Lancaster, UK, 3-7 September 2007. This is 
the 21st annual conference of the British Human Computer Interaction 
Group, a specialist group of the British Computing Society (BCS).

For more details see www.hci2007.org

·         When a designer pieces together a set of environmental sensors 
and writes a program that coordinates them to monitor pollution 
automatically, where does the HCI happen?

·         When an airport security screener checks a passenger’s 
passport via a database while asking them standard bag-packing 
questions, where does the HCI happen?

·         When a student creates a homework blog for their classmates, 
where does the HCI happen?

The answer seems to be that HCI no longer happens in standard one-to-one 
human-computer interactions, but across a range of different 
technologies, processes, groups and tasks that may not even have a 
recognisable interface.

We invite you to submit full papers before the deadline of 31st March 
2007. This year we have simplified and shortened the acceptance 
procedure. You will find out if you’ve been accepted by 18th May 2007, 
and final camera-ready copy will be due by 8th June 2007.

You must remove from your submission all information that would allow 
the authors to be identified as the paper will be reviewed anonymously 
by an international panel of HCI experts. See the website for names of 
reviewers of previous conferences.

Submissions should report original work which has not been previously 
published. The conference proceedings will contain all the full papers 
and will be published with full ISBN by The BCS and placed in the ACM 
Digital Library.

Relevant topic areas include but are not limited to:

·         Ubiquitous interactivity
·         Disappearing, ambient or palpable computing?
·         Design and evaluation methods
·         Effecting affective HCI
·         Learning and training for HCI
·         Interfaces for pervasive systems
·         Interaction for the performing arts
·         e-Security and e-safety
·         Users with unusual requirements
·         Mobile media access and sharing
·         Interactive public displays
·         Fun and games - the next generation
·         Human-centred creativity

Contributions that advance the theory or practice of any aspect of HCI 
are also welcomed.

Papers must be prepared using Volume 1 of the conference publications 
format and must not exceed 10 pages including all diagrams. A 30-word 
summary must be attached. Online submission is required via the 
conference website by 18:00 GMT, Saturday 31st March 2007. Authors of 
accepted papers will be notified by the 18th May 2007 and will be 
required to submit a revised version of the paper for publication by the 
8th June 2007, along with copyright release signed by all authors. At 
least one of the authors must register for the full conference no later 
than 8th June 2007, or the paper will not be included in the proceedings.

Full Paper Chairs: Linden Ball, Lancaster University & Angela Sasse, 
University College London

Additionally, the British HCI Conference has a long tradition of 
encouraging and publishing submissions from industry and the public 
sector. This year we are calling this “HCI Practice”. Contributions are 
particularly encouraged in the following areas:

·         tools and methods for usability and HCI design in the 
industrial context;

·         experiences in design for different user groups e.g. 
accessibility best practice;

·         results of experience in practice;

·         product evaluations;

·         experience of training people in HCI and usability techniques.

You can either submit these as per the category deadlines and 
page-limits and these will be reviewed by industrial practitioners 
competitively against other submissions, or specifically as a 
“Practitioners’ Report” – submit 2 pages using the template on the 
web-site, direct by 10th May 2007 to the HCI Practice chair 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], who will review these and may accept them 
subject to specific conditions.

HCI 2007 is an international conference and contributions are welcomed 
from all parts of the world. However, the official written and spoken 
language of the conference is English. Guidance on the use of plain 
English is available from the Plain English Campaign web site. 
(http://www. plainenglish.co.uk/guides.html).

The conference also includes an exciting range of presentations, panels, 
workshops, tutorials, interactive demonstrations and opportunities to 
interact with fellow researchers, practitioners, educators and users. 
The deadline for workshops and tutorials is also 31st March. The 
deadline for other categories is 10th May 2007.

Our keynote speakers this year are Steve Payne, Professor of Information 
Systems Design, School of Informatics, Manchester University, UK, and 
Elizabeth Churchill - Yahoo! Research, USA.

Watch www.hci2007.org for further announcements.


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