On Tue, 20 Jan 2009, Sean Miller wrote:
> How supported is it with Ubuntu?

1. Insert dongle into USB port.
2. (one time only) Select United Kingdom->'3' (or Orange/T-mobile/etc)
3. Cruise the interweb.
4. Remove dongle.

Repeat Steps 1., 3. and 4. whenever bored.

The connection is as good as the network reception; which is *highly
variable*, and needs experiementation.  Personally I have my dongle
positioned (with a 10-metre USB extension lead) on the roof.[0][1][2]


[0] Reception not related to Ubuntu.
[1] Most people are required to reposition their house less.
[2] Works better in Finland than the United Kingdom, see [0].
Fradley Junction Top Lock, GB.


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