Latest update on the proposed hackspace:
I'm Jamie, I've been working with Simon on the proposed hackspace at the
Museum of Computing in Swindon.

We are having a meeting at the museum on Wednesday 30th May at 7pm, to
discuss the hackspace with anybody who is interested in coming along.
Links for directions can be found at the bottom of this mail, please let
us know if you will be attending so we know how many to expect. 

Thanks to everybody who returned a questionnaire, from that feedback we
will initially run a weekday evening Hackspace from 6-9pm, most likely
each Monday. We may survey those interested upon which weekday is best
before confirming the day.

Unfortunately, it's not possible to provide open/24hr access as it is
not a full time dedicated hackspace and the museum is usually closed
when we'll be wanting access. There may be the possibility of adding
additional meetings if the demand is there. Also, we can arrange adhoc
meetings if required for some event or other initiative.

Other items to discuss:

* Preparations needed for work area
* Best evening, Mon-Fri, on which to meet
* Terms of access to hackspace, including opening times and
entry/membership fees
* Suggestions for presentations you'd like to see, or can give (or know
someone who can)
* Types of projects that you see being carried out and what equipment
you need, or can provide.
* Collaboration with other Hackspaces or similar initiatives (Artsite)
* Events we could hold, or attend elsewhere

If you're unfamiliar with the museum, we're opposite the Swindon Model
Centre on Theatre Square, between Swindon Central Library and the Wyvern
Museum location :


Jamie Osborne

All welcome to this meeting - let me know if you want to attend and I'll
let Jamie know.


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