OK, Here's a challenge for you:

I have a zone-minder setup at home.  I also have an old Windows Mobile
2003 HTC Hurricane mobile phone (AKA Orange MPV500).

What I want to do is have ZoneMinder trigger an alarm that then executes
a script that will send an SMS from the Windows Mobile Phone.

Obviously, this comprises of (at least) two steps:

1) Get the phone sending messages from Ubuntu
2) Get ZoneMinder to send the messages

I've had a rough google at this, but I need the collective brain power
of the group.

I promise to write a how-to on this once I get it running...


Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
Lug-Master (http://www.thanet.lug.org.uk),
Dad (http://www.helpmeimadad.com/),
Ubuntu User( http://www.ubuntu.com/)


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