alan c wrote:
> Alan Pope wrote:
> [...]
>> We have a wiki page listing Ubuntu Hours around the world, and I
>> wanted to encourage people to consider scheduling an hour to be
>> somewhere and let the community know. I'd love to start hearing about
>> Ubuntu Hours around the UK.
> Hour scheduled in
> Bracknell on
> Saturday 23rd, 11am
> South Hill park and Wilde theatre, Terrace bar
> Initially a single event then hopefully ongoing monthly.

Happy to say this took place.

I had circulated it also to a local computer club, and what do you
know? One email apology for absence (but would come another time), one
in-person acknowledgment (at an unrelated meeting I happened to
attend) of an install being done on the person's friend's computer,
and above all, one person actually turned up!

I would not have been surprised if nobody had turned up. I was
surprised by the actual flurry of interest. The attender had
unsuccessfully tried gnu/linux some years ago and wanted to try again.
He was impressed by what he saw on my eeepc - xandros, UNR and Ubuntu
8.04, multi boot etc.

Ubuntu Hour is an good method of low investment local contact. Great
alan cocks
Ubuntu user


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