Well, someone left me a voicemail message afternoon of 2013-04-26, but
alas, didn't leave their phone number on my voicemail, and pretty sure I
don't have their contact information.  :-/

The scenario they described, was, at least approximately this:
upgraded? (or maybe did an install?) to Ubuntu 13 (I presume 13.04),
lost access to their files, downgraded? (to I presume 12.10 or 12.04.x)
and still don't have access to their files/work from earlier.

I think their apt configuration was set to follow the most current
release (I think earlier it was already running 12.10).

Well, hopefully they were upgrades/downgrades, and not fresh install, as
fresh install, I think, by default, would clobber the existing files -
possibly excepting what it might save or have saved on Ubuntu One, but I
really don't know for sure on that, or what particular actions the user
took in this case.

Anyway, in such scenario, what I'd generally/typically recommend:
boot from "recovery" media - in the case of Ubuntu and when one may be
most familiar with Ubuntu (among Linux distributions) and may have that
media, from the Live DVD/CD (or same on USB), and likely best to use the

"highest" version one had upgraded or attempted to upgrade to (generally
most likely to support whatever bits one may have ended up with on hard
drive or SSD or the like).  From there, if one hasn't clobbered the
filesystem(s), they should be recoverable (the data should still be
there).  If not, depending upon the scenario and what happened, data
there might still possibly be recoverable or partially recoverable,
and/or, in case of Ubuntu, there may be such data stored on Ubuntu One.

I can't easily give much more specific advice without knowing more about
particularly what happened, or resultant state the data is in.  I'm also
thinking possibly there may have been upgrade/downgrade done, and there
might be some (major) issues with application(s) user is expecting to
have still access their data like it did before - so maybe the data is
all still there, but just highly not as the user expects it, or
accessed/found as (and where) the user expects it.  But I'm just
guessing among the possibilities.

I'm also guessing if the user is person I talked to on 2013-04-06, that
I did also mention SF-LUG (sf-lug.org) as a resource - most notably
their list (relatively high volume e-mail list, and generally quite
helpful on dealing with bugs/issues/problems encountered with Linux.
And I suppose too, there are lots of relevant Ubuntu help forums and
the like also - but at the time I was mentioning more specifically
local resources.  And, the reason I post this here, is I think that was
from an earlier Ubuntu Hour, and the particular user might actually see
this item here.

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