On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 3:04 AM, Michael Paoli
<michael.pa...@cal.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> I hear/read that you're still looking for venue in San Francisco ...
> "Downtown".
> Though not quite "Downtown", but perhaps quite "close enough" (it's
> SOMA - and not a trek "across" town) - have you considered/asked:
> OpenLate @ OpenDNS
> (135 Bluxome St.)
> http://www.meetup.com/OpenLate/
> I also notice they're still looking for "speaker" for their 2016-07-12
> meeting.
> http://www.meetup.com/OpenLate/events/nfwxllyvkbqb/
> (There's contact email address on that URL - but need to be logged in to
> meetup.com, and possibly also be "member" of OpenLate to see it - if you
> need the contact email, let me know and I can send it off-list).
> Their location isn't quite as convenient to BART/Mission/Market,
> but is a moderate/longish walk (or shortish bus hop) from, e.g. BART,
> and it is also pretty darn close to CalTrain.
> That 2016-07-12 date would, however, precede what I see as the release
> date for 16.04.1:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule
> of 2016-07-21 - but I'm presuming that's only of minor concern?
> Oh, ... I haven't been to OpenLate in a while, but when I was last there
> they typically would provide free food & beverages (generally pizza and
> some house sodas and juices and such).
> OpenLate generally meets about every other Tuesday (it conflicts with
> about half of BALUG.org's meetings ... but doesn't conflict this July).
> It's a good space for presentations, power+network, and can accommodate
> a fair number of people (I'm guestimating up to approximately 50+).

Thanks for the tip! The details are a huge help.

I have a couple venue feelers out there for the July release party
plan, but I've added OpenDNS to the list of folks to contact if I
can't firm up anything else in a reasonable amount of time.

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

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