Howdy all!

SCaLE 15 is going to be awesome! I'm giving a talk on Saturday 
 and am excited to drop by Ubucon and the booth during the rest of the 
conference. :)

See y'all there!


> On Jan 23, 2017, at 7:48 AM, Nathan Haines <> wrote:
> On 01/21/2017 01:18 PM, George Mulak wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I would like to talk about SCaLE 15X and coordinating it.
> Hi George!
> All good questions.
> I submitted a community funds donation request a couple of days ago, and I 
> will get a list of other booth supplies needed to Michael Hall in the next 
> day or two so he can coordinate getting Ubuntu computers from certain 
> sponsors to SCALE for the Ubuntu booth.  This should look more or less like 
> the booth did last year.
> Incidentally, this kind of logistical assistance from Canonical is almost 
> completely invisible because it overlaps what we've done for ourselves in the 
> past.  But the burden this lifts from my shoulders and Richard Gaskin's 
> shoulders is immeasurable.  It's not exactly difficult work, but it frees us 
> up to look at big picture stuff and talk out little details while not having 
> to be the ones to implement them.
> Plus, they have a lot of institutional knowledge because they've been to many 
> conferences and organized more booths than we have.  So while UbuCon Summit 
> at SCALE is very different in a lot of ways from what UbuCon Europe was in 
> Essen, Germany this last year (and I was so jealous of what they 
> accomplished!) we have a team of people who are helping to make both events 
> 1) awesome and 2) uniquely special.
> For instance, while Richard was instrumental in talking to business owners on 
> the ground and finding who was interested in serving as social event venues, 
> Canonical took care of sponsorship and payment and that sort of coordination.
>> I would also like to talk about Ubucon.  Who is going to be there, etc.
> EVERYONE is going to be there!  ;)  We had a pretty big turnout last time.  I 
> don't remember the exact numbers.  I'll have to see if I can dig them up.  As 
> far as speakers, we have a keynote speaker and Canonical will be coordinating 
> with that sponsor to make the announcement on our social media and their 
> social media at the same time.  When it's announced, you'll know.  We're also 
> looking for more community speakers via the SCALE CFP form.
>> I would like to know what has already been done, etc.
> Richard and I are working together with Ilan from SCALE and Michael Hall and 
> Alan Pope from the Canonical Ubuntu Community Team to reach out to keynote 
> speakers and sponsors, aside from the call for papers we currently have 
> active.  The hope is to have the site up and ready by February 
> 1st.  Anything I don't manage to do, Michael Hall will probably do.
> The booth is pretty much on auto-pilot.  This will be our tenth year at SCALE 
> and the booth has always been a success.  I'll be handling all of the 
> logistics of getting supplies, but I have a big box full of stuff in the 
> closet that's been built over the last couple of years, and Canonical will 
> wrangle the display systems (other than the one you can provide, George).  
> What we need most are volunteers to man the booth, and that's something I 
> don't worry about because year after year we have volunteers from California 
> and neighboring LoCos who volunteer their time and are just awesome.  Plus, 
> any employees that Canonical sends like to come and hang out, too, aside from 
> their domain expertise, we have really good gap coverage for our volunteer 
> team.
> To my extreme gratitude, I've never had to worry about booth volunteers.  The 
> Ubuntu community in California has never failed me over the last decade.
> -- 
> Nathan Haines
> Ubuntu -
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