Hey all! I wanted to get this out to all of you about something I'm really passionate about. As some of you may know already, I've got a huge desire to promote not just our team, the Ubuntu California loco team, but Ubuntu and its derivatives, as hard as I can while contributing in whatever ways I'm able to and that includes writing articles for a well known free magazine called Full Circle Magazine <www.fullcirclemagazine.org>. This independent publication's created and published by Ronnie Tucker in the U.K. and he's been doing a phenomenal job of reporting everything concerning Ubuntu. And the contributions of its readers are excellent!

And now, I'm doing the same thing. Not only will I be reviewing software and doing opinion pieces, but I'm also going to be doing personal interviews with anyone who's involved with Ubuntu on any level. Whether you just use it as a general user or do programming or even work as an administrator of an IT department where Ubuntu reigns supreme.

No matter your skill level or involvement with Ubuntu, I want to interview you. What I've got to offer is a questionnaire of some general questions and then some more directed ones that focus on some current events and I'm looking for any and all who want to participate in this.

But why personal interviews? One main reason. It's YOU that puts Ubuntu on the map. It's YOU that works behind the scenes, even as a general user who knows how to file bug reports and that's it. It's YOU who's important and I think personal interviews of the people who use Ubuntu on a daily basis need to be heard from.

Sure, Full Circle Magazine does offer opinion articles and reviews and even how-to's. But, I feel there's a major need to take a look at the individuals responsible for all of this stuff, and that's where you come in. I want to pick your brain as much as I can for this.

Now, for the disclaimer. The questionnaire I mentioned isn't quite ready just yet since this is the first time I've ever done anything with journalism. It's a refreshing step outside of my circle of usual areas of interest and I'm super happy to be adding this to my list. I'm only doing a questionnaire type of interview because I'm very limited in resources to travel to you to do a face-to-face interview and I know your time's precious and I don't want to take away from that if I can help it.

So, in closing, if you're interested in participating in this questionnaire interviews, please let me know. You can reply to this email or send one directly to me and when the questionnaire's finally done, I'll inform you and if you're still interested, I'll send a copy to you. And just so you know, anyone can contribute to it as long as it's related to Ubuntu and its derivatives.

Talk with you soon!

Charlie Luna

IRC username: hangar18

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