On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 9:40 PM, Ed W <li...@wildgooses.com> wrote:
>  Hi Natanael


> Thanks for responding
>> Or you could just use Alpine Linux[2]. After all, x86 uclibc +
>> grsecurity kernel (including pax) is our main focus ;)
> Sure - actually my current project uses very similar to your alpine linux
> installation, only starting with a gentoo overlay.  I would very happily
> share any improvements I make however, normally you are ahead of me and I
> usually find the solutions to most uclibc questions are in your tree!

We used to use gentoo for building alpine. Now we stand on our own legs.

> I think I would struggle to switch to using your build tool at present
> because I'm trying to build a modular setup rather like slax.  The idea is
> target a low ram target (which I think rules out running from ramdisk) and
> use aufs to build a modular installation where we have a base installation,
> but overlay more functionality for instances where it's needed. This would
> make for a very simple "package manager".  Please tell me that this would be
> straightforward to build using Alpine and we should talk more off-list?

I think it should be fairly straightforward to get that working. We
have someone working on a similar project to yours, with unionfs - but
he wants use eglibc instead of uclibc.

Might be we need some patches for supporting aufs in initramfs to
mounting up the root, but I think thats gonna be trivial.

You are welcome to freenode #alpine-devel or #alpine-linux to discuss details.

>  Last time I looked you pretty much mandated building an installation which
> only ran from ram?

We support installing on disk. I run Alpine Linux on my netbook as a
traditional disk install.

> However, your git tree suggests that you compile your uclibc without SSP?
>  Can you comment on whether SSP works for you?

I thought we enable SSP? hum... looks like i need to fix the gcc
apkbuild. SSP should work though. We used it for gcc-4.4 and i'm
fixing gcc-4.5 as we speak.

Natanael Copa
uClibc mailing list

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