[Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC

2005-04-12 Thread s22294822
To the best of my knowledge, no one has already pronounced Dr. Obote guilty. Otherwise we would not be calling for a trial. Like anybody else, of course he innocent until proven guilty and that is why we want the trial. Quoting [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Paul Is there any

Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC

2005-04-12 Thread s22294822
At least this then goes to show that the judicial system in Uganda if fair. If Muwanga who was minister of defence could be found innocent, what is it that Dr. Obote has to fear. Let him also stand trial, he could be found innocent. You have time and again said here and elsewhere that the

Re: [Ugnet] Dr. Obote 'not planning return soon' - BBC - 11/4/2005 - Surprised anyone ??

2005-04-12 Thread Simon Nume
WELL!! - this was expected anywayOmar Kezimbira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Last Updated: Monday, 11 April, 2005, 15:37 GMT 16:37 UK E-mail this to a friend Printable version Obote 'not planning return soon' Obote denies responsibility for civilian deathsUganda's former

[Ugnet] Re: [Mwananchi] Ayittey's Lies Contradiction:Free Africa with a majority, white Board from US?

2005-04-12 Thread Matek Opoko
Ms. Joe: This is deep very deep... thanx for the infor on our dear learnt friend BYN or is it BNY Ayittey... They say knowing the enermy within is the first necessay step towards total Liberation. Like Bob Marley once state "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery..non but ourselves can free

[Ugnet] U.S. Govt to Supply Intelligence On Kony

2005-04-12 Thread Matek Opoko
You can only begin to wonder: How come the US has thus far failed to provide Intelligence on "KONY"...After the article below was wirtten, "Kony" has managed to strike more then a dozen times..in Apac, Gulu, Ajumani e.t.c..each time abducting citizens!.. me think this people are deceiving us.

[Ugnet] UPDF disarm K’jong

2005-04-12 Thread Matek Opoko
Another one of those NRM noise..sometime one can only wonder as to what this NRM FOOLS are talking about!!! Matek UPDF disarm K’jong By Victor Karamagi KAMPALA - The UPDF has re-started disarmament of the Karimojong warriors to remove illegal guns from the region, almost four years

[Ugnet] Re:Ofwono Opondo!

2005-04-12 Thread Kelo Kelo
Hallo comrades, The news about Ofwono's scandal, got me asking whether he suffers from Kleptomania, a Psychological defect. Ofwono being Director of Media at the NRM secretariat earning a good renumeration according to Ugandan standards. One wonders why he should engage in petty theft. My verdict

[Ugnet] The Child Who Would Not Speak a Word

2005-04-12 Thread musamize
April 12, 2005 The Child Who Would Not Speak a WordBy HARRIET BROWN hristine Stanley will never forget the call. Two weeks after her daughter Emily started kindergarten, the teacher phoned in a panic. Emily would not color, sing or participate in any classroom activities; in fact, she

[Ugnet] Why do cops tell lies in court?

2005-04-12 Thread musamize
April 12, 2005 Videos Challenge Accounts of Convention UnrestBy JIM DWYER ennis Kyne put up such a fight at a political protest last summer, the arresting officer recalled, it took four police officers to haul him down the steps of the New York Public Library and across Fifth Avenue. "We

[Ugnet] Grandmaster

2005-04-12 Thread musamize
April 12, 2005 Chalkboards? Try Using ChessboardsBy SUSAN SAULNY he games drew about 15 chess enthusiasts to a windowless conference room at City College in Harlem, where pawns and rooks were moved with such intensity of purpose that the scene could have passed for yet another

[Ugnet] SELECTIVE JUSTICE: Is Museveni next?

2005-04-12 Thread musamize
April 10, 2005SELECTIVE JUSTICE Tough on Togo, Letting Zimbabwe SlideBy MICHAEL WINES OHANNESBURG — Even the heads of state who were its members called the old Organization for African Unity a dictators' club, one reason why it was replaced three years ago by a new African Union that

[Ugnet] Haile Selassie's Issue?

2005-04-12 Thread musamize
April 11, 2005 Bearing Haile Selassie's Face, Commoner Claims His BloodBy MARC LACEY DDIS ABABA, Ethiopia - Mekbeb Abebe Welde is the spitting image of Ethiopia's fallen emperor, Haile Selassie. Mr. Abebe has the same pointy chin, down-turned nose and slight build. When he picks up a

[Ugnet] Killer in Angola

2005-04-12 Thread musamize
April 12, 2005 A Daunting Search: Tracking a Deadly Virus in AngolaBy SHARON LAFRANIERE and DENISE GRADY ÍGE, Angola, April 11 - The staff in the pediatric ward of Uíge's regional hospital suspected something was terribly wrong as early as October, when children who had been admitted

[Ugnet] Ugandan Boxers Deserted in Kenya

2005-04-12 Thread musamize
Boxers get some food STRANDED: Ugandans in Nairobi have saved the Bombers By william muwonge and Reuben Olita THE national boxing team that has been stranded in Nairobi for three days, can now afford to have food. This follows a fundraising mission masterminded by the Ugandan community

[Ugnet] Re: [UNAANET] State House, ISO Split Over Shs22b Education Deal

2005-04-12 Thread musamize
Rev. K. I do not undertsand the gentleman's problem. By most definitions Museveni is a dictator and a tyrant. What doesn't he understand in the moniker 'tinpot', the 'tin' or the 'pot'? I could have called Mu7 a kleptomaniacal military adventuristlumpen (see Mazrui's definitions of these

[Ugnet] Human origins debate heats up, again.

2005-04-12 Thread musamize
April 12, 2005 Fossils of Apelike Creature Still Stir Lineage DebateBy JOHN NOBLE WILFORD hree years ago, a French-led team of paleoanthropologists reported finding in central Africa a skull and other bones of a possible human ancestor that lived seven million years ago, close to the

[Ugnet] Brazil seeks African partnership

2005-04-12 Thread Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga
*[ This article was printed from Sundaytimes.co.za - home of the Sunday Times, South Africa. ]* Brazil seeks African partnership Tuesday April 12, 2005 11:27 - (SA) ABUJA - Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has visited Nigeria to seek a new political and economic partnership between

[Ugnet] Teachers and Classmates Express Outrage at Arrest of [Guinean] Girl, 16, as a Terrorist Threat

2005-04-12 Thread Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga
*Teachers and Classmates Express Outrage at Arrest of Girl, 16, as a Terrorist Threat* By Nina Bernstein Saturday 09 April 2005 At Heritage High School in East Harlem, where the student idiom is hip-hop and salsa, the 16-year-old Guinean girl stood out, but not just because she wore

[Ugnet] Putting [American] Indian Realities in Context for the Media

2005-04-12 Thread Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga
*Putting Indian Realities in Context for the Media* By Anthony R. Pico Indian Country Today Friday 08 April 2005 /*The unexamined portrayal of American Indians and this country's history needs to be debunked and exposed because the self-serving rationalizations of the past are

[Ugnet] Darfur: Women Raped Even after Seeking Refuge

2005-04-12 Thread Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga
*Darfur: Women Raped Even after Seeking Refuge* By Human Rights Watch YubaNet.com Tuesday 12 April 2005 */Donors must increase support to victims of sexual violence./* Women and girls who have fled ethnic cleansing in Darfur are being raped and subjected to sexual violence around

[Ugnet] Faking Civil Society

2005-04-12 Thread Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga
*Faking Civil Society* By Jonathan Schell TomDispatch/The Nation Magazine Wednesday 06 April 2005 Perhaps the most beautiful achievement of political life in the late twentieth century was the international movement for democracy that brought down several dozen dictatorships of every

[Ugnet] US Appears to Have Fought War for Oil and Lost It

2005-04-12 Thread Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga
*US Appears to Have Fought War for Oil and Lost It* By Ian Rutledge The Financial Times Monday 11 April 2005 From Dr. Ian Rutledge. Sir, Your recent report that oil prices have reached an all-time nominal high and that Goldman Sachs has suggested the possibility of a super spike

[Ugnet] The Fed's Preemptive War

2005-04-12 Thread Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga
*The Fed's Preemptive War* By Robert B. Reich The American Prospect 07 April 2005 Edition /*We're fighting an inflation that's not imminent, and low-income workers are taking the heaviest casualties.*/ Just 110,000 jobs were added in March, not nearly enough even to keep up

Re: [Ugnet] Re: [UNAANET] State House, ISO Split Over Shs22b Education Deal

2005-04-12 Thread Edward Mulindwa
Can you imagine if Ugandans listened to us when we told them that Dr Muniini Mulera had taken UNAA to sell it to Uganda government for his own benefits? We as well warned them that this organization is finished, well guess what Ugandans called us stupid, Mulera wasted the organization and


2005-04-12 Thread Edward Mulindwa
New Zealand MP 'Sick' Of Hearing About The Holocaust Jerusalem Post4-12-5 "I am sick and tired of hearing how many Jews got gassed," announced New Zealand Labor Party MP John Tamihere, in an interview released on Sunday.


2005-04-12 Thread Edward Mulindwa
Ignorance Fuels Killer Marburg Outbreak In Angola - 192 DeadAfricanCrisis.Org4-12-5 ANGOLA (Reuters) -- Fear and ignorance are fuelling the world's deadliest outbreak of Marburg fever in Angola, where locals are too suspicious of medics in

[Ugnet] Museveni

2005-04-12 Thread Y Yaobang
The most presidential political mastabator Uganda has ever had. Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! MSN Messenger Download today it's FREE! ___ Ugandanet mailing list Ugandanet@kym.net http://kym.net/mailman/listinfo/ugandanet % UGANDANET is

[Ugnet] Re: [Mwananchi] Togo And Ayittey's Law

2005-04-12 Thread Matek Opoko
Georgi! Sometimes I think you just"talk ", so to say, for the sake of talking..without making any sense what soever. George the evidence is quiet glaring and hit you striaght between . The United States and Not so Great Britian for close to twenty years have offfered unwaivering Financial and

[Ugnet] Re: [Mwananchi] Re: Matek_opoko on Uganda

2005-04-12 Thread Matek Opoko
Chifu: First of all Obote is a Langi NOT an Acholi. Get you facts correct! Secondly, Obote and I share something in Common... We are both members of Uganda Peoples Congress and believe in the Ideals championed by the UPC. Period! Anything else ask Obote! Matek MatekChifu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: