[Ugnet] THIS IS WHAT IDDI AMIN NEVER ALLOWED TO HAPPEN TO UGANDANS {May the president rest in peace}

2015-01-02 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_bMvyN0FQI &sns=em EM On the 49th Parallel Thé Mulindwas Communication Group "With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy" Ku

Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} THE UAHS OF THE YEAR 2014

2015-01-02 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Ugandans Wow !2015 already has its first statement of the year: "Acholi are resilient because they successfully rape, murder, loot and return back to their original form and shape to rape another day"-Akim Adong. {The promoter of federalism in Uganda} Talk of misuse of words!!


2015-01-02 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Friends As I continue to raise the violence of Acholi in our country, it is imperative that we realize that following Acholi population is not a case that has been done in the series only. There are other people that have followed but studied them, and in this series I am going to raise a

[Ugnet] Britain’s Prince Andrew accused of using 'under-age sex slave'

2015-01-02 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Britain’s Prince Andrew accused of using 'under-age sex slave' Published time: January 02, 2015 16:05 Get short URL [image: Britain's Prince Andrew (Reuters)] Britain's Prince Andrew (Reuters) Tags Accident , Anony

[Ugnet] The Rape of Libya by: Obama, France, Canada etc...... Nigeria & South Africa

2015-01-02 Thread Mitayo Potosi
- Home / - Op-Edge / ‘Libya instability, disruption of oil production - price for NATO intervention’ Get short URL Published time: December 30, 2014 15:53 [image: Firefighters work to p


2015-01-02 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Akim Odong my series has nothing to do with Acholi sexual prowess, but their urge to rape, loot and murder. "Rape" is a very serious matter that must be treated with all the attention it deserves. Rape is not Marvin Gaye's Sexual Healing Lyric: "oh baby now let's get down tonight", but is a

Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} THE UAHS OF THE YEAR 2014

2015-01-02 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Akim Odong Bad leaders survive in Uganda for Ugandans are not informed on what happens to fellow Ugandans. Before the series tell me how many times you ever heard that Acholi were cutting women viginas out in Luwero? Before the series kindly tell me how many times you have ever heard that Ac

Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} THE UAHS OF THE YEAR 2014

2015-01-02 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Akim Odong Do not worry about it, women were raped in Luwero and West Nile but they were so dumb to understand that Acholi dicks are good as the girls you are talking about. Reminds me of how Edward Pojim reminded Baganda that raping their women is a blessing for Baganda dicks are useless. I