Let record show that Americans have recognized Mwai Kibaki's government.


   The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is under anarchy"
      Groupe de Communication Mulindwas
"Avec Yoweri Museveni, L'Ouganda East Dans L'anarchie"
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Africare- NewPublications 
  To: Africa-oped 
  Cc: Mwananchi ; Camnetwork ; Africare Publications ; Afrocentrik ; Voice Of 
Uganda ; IgboEvents ; Abuja Nigeria 
  Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2007 8:54 PM
  Subject: [Mwananchi] Fwd: Wanainchi, we now know what Africa is, time to move 

  To those who are laughing their head off about 'Raila's driving in to the 
electoral H/Q'.

  Before you laugh too much about what no body knows of, read this.

  ARJP Management

    Subject: Wanainchi, we now know what Africa is, time to move on!
    Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 23:40:56 +0000

    Kibaki represents what African leaders stand for: Corruption and theft. 
Time to move on! I sent a posting a little while ago responding to EM's 
question as to why the Brits and Yankies have not yet responded. Hopefully the 
posting shows up soon. Basically, the Western world has finally given up on 
Africa. With the  educated Africans arriving on their shores everyday, willing 
to do kyeyo and going home every Christmas, they have nothing more to worry 
about! They can now keep Africa in its pre-colonial days, land of savages, you 
cannot tame! As long as they keep the Safari and flamingo alive, we (wazungu) 
can always go there, shoot a few gazelles, buy wood curvings, pay a few pennies 
to the Masais to dance butt naked and return home!....After all, most of 
African leaders are educated in our universities, and if they cannot understand 
that education serves a lot of purposes, to hell with them....That is the 
mentality of the Brits and Yankies today..Whether they endorse Kibaki's theft 
or not, he represents what earlier Europeans to Africa wrote about the 
continet: "The people lough and smile all the time" And you wonder what they 
are happy about!

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