
This is the trend Kenya politics has gone. Now remember the comments Kenyans 
have been making on Uganda as you read these very sad comments.


   The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is under anarchy"
      Groupe de Communication Mulindwas
"Avec Yoweri Museveni, L'Ouganda East Dans L'anarchie"
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Africare- NewPublications 
  Cc: Mwananchi ; Abuja Nigeria ; Camnetwork ; Voice Of Uganda ; Africare 
Publications ; Afrocentrik ; IgboEvents 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2008 12:22 AM
  Subject: [Mwananchi] Re: [africa-oped] It could be getting worse!

  ""It's time for change, and no one can stop us. Kikuyus, go home to your
  farms!"" shouted one excited youth George Kaseje.

  Come on now Mike get serious for a change! What is wrong with a supporter of 
a party making such statement even 10 years before election day? Absolutely 
nothing wrong!

  Supporters of parties can make all kinds of statements before election day. 
Doing so does not mean they are unvailing some conspiracies!! 

  Kikuyus need to realise that they have been in control of Kenya politics and 
economy for way long: from independent! Continuous intransigence will on seal 
their fate for a whooping long time should control of power shift! It will be a 
whole lot difficult, indeed, an unprecedented uphill battle for them to make a 
come back thereafter, given many Kenyans are getting to know who the Kikuyus 
truely are!: Those who don't want other Kenyans to share the wealth of the 

  Do yourselves some good and wise up! Don't wallow in ignorance; time is a 

  ARJP Management

  Mike Theuri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    As early as October 6th a certain party's supporters had already proclaimed
    unofficially what they were going to do. Can you explain or excuse the 
    below from an ODM supporter that made it to the world's headlines long 
    the election? Why didn't ODM distance itself from such statements which were
    being made on its behalf long before the election? What we are seeing 
    today is a result of the reckless propaganda that some wayward supporters 
    potentially the party itself were disseminating for months amongst
    their supporters:

    "It's time for change, and no one can stop us. Kikuyus, go home to your
    farms!" shouted one excited youth George Kaseje.

    On Dec 31, 2007 4:15 PM, Fred <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    > Lets appeal for calm. The burning of Kikuyu establishments in Rift valley
    > and other places is not going
    > to get us out of this mess. Its Kibaki who got us into this and hes the 
    > who must get us out. Truthfully, even
    > if Kibaki caves in to the electorate, the damage is done! You have 
    > the Kikuyu from the rest of
    > us and the entire country is damaged! It will take 20 years to heal what 
    > happened the last few days, but
    > if this bloodshed continues, Kenya is damaged goods! From an ecomonic
    > standpoint, we will remain an unsafe
    > investement destination for years to come. Who wants to invest in an
    > environment of such ethnic polarization?
    > ----- Original Message -----
    > Sent: Monday, December 31, 2007 4:05 PM
    > Subject: [jokanyanam] It could be getting worse!
    > This is an email that I received from my nephew in Idaho. He spoke to my
    > sister Eldoret a few hours ago.
    > "
    > Hi Blaise,
    > I just talked to my mum back home and it is very unsafe.Ethnic Kalenjin
    > gangs are burning houses and businesses belonging to Kikuyus in Eldoret 
    > elsewhere.Kikuyus have been doing likewise in Eldoret.They had to run
    > earlier in the day after things became a little tenuous close to home.Some
    > houses close to home were burnt down and she says they will move to 
    > to a safer place.Kenyans are very disappointed in the ECK.I talked to my 
    > in Kericho earlier today and they had to drive through barricades into
    > Kericho Sunday night and he has been unable to get out because there is no
    > public transport anywhere.Things are very tenuous.Agnes is somewhat safe 
    > Nairobi because the violence has not spread to the wealthier suburbs of
    > Nairobi but things look like they are not going to get any better soon.
    > Ratimo
    > "
    > Sincerely,
    > Blaise

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