"  Here is an election whose results simply baffles, considering even the MPs 
compositions. How will Kibaki lead with only 36 MPs? Unless he assumes all 
powers, whereby the rest of the opposition MPs, including their leaders, become 
irrelevant, Kibaki is not going to be able to lead the country for five more 
years. "

But that is true but that is what we should be discussing as adults today, a 
parliamentary next step. But we have to agree that we have held an election and 
we have got the results, for as you are standing today with all emotions you 
simply have no single reason to back your claim that Africa election is a sham. 
You simply don't. So we agree that we have a winner then we discuss the next 
step. For example I have a dormant federal government in Ottawa that I don't 
want to change. And yet it is me Edward Mulindwa for I a man Ontarian and we 
decide who lead this nation. We have looked into the options we have and they 
re not good, the Liberal party is not yet ready to lead. So do you know what we 
have done? we have decided to have a minority government. Stephen Harper's 
government is the longest minority government to serve. He is our Prime 
Minister by all standards, I hate the man's principles, and I hate his party 
but I respect the office he holds for he was elected by the Canadians excluding 
me to be our prime minister. Even if it will take the Liberal Party my party 
ten years to clean up we will wait but we will respect this Prime Minister as 
we will respect the election that put him in office.

That is why it is a shame when Chifu Wa Malindi fails to recognize publicly his 
new President, that is why it is shame when you fail to recognize him. On of 
the worst leaders Canada ever had was Pearson but we fly into Pearson air port 
air port today the most sophisticated air port in North America. Cut the anger 
and try nationalism, you have a prime minister and that is the end of the 
story. Capish? And you stand to call an election a sham, when have you ever 
composed a better one sir? I am sorry but some of you are simply not worth the 
time. Kenyans have failed to voice their opinion for they are caught in 
between, even Raila would have not got a majority.

Are you smart enough to see the numbers that they got?


   The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is under anarchy"
      Groupe de Communication Mulindwas
"Avec Yoweri Museveni, L'Ouganda East Dans L'anarchie"
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Africare- NewPublications 
  Cc: Africa-oped ; Abuja Nigeria ; Voice Of Uganda ; IgboEvents ; Camnetwork ; 
Afrocentrik ; Africare Publications 
  Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2007 9:36 PM
  Subject: Re: [Mwananchi] The Presidential Election outcome in Kenya

  Awosom Jonathan,

  Before you start to endorse mediocrity, begin first by building the 
foundation of true governance. 

  The general election of Kenya is a sham election in every way immaginable 
that no enlightend person can just walk away from and concede. 

  Here is an election whose results simply baffles, considering even the MPs 
compositions. How will Kibaki lead with only 36 MPs? Unless he assumes all 
powers, whereby the rest of the opposition MPs, including their leaders, become 
irrelevant, Kibaki is not going to be able to lead the country for five more 

  Kenyans have voted, and they have emphatically rejected Kibaki and his 
ministers. If this was in older democracies like in America and Europe, Kibaki 
would have exited days ago, and Raila swarn in. Can you imagine a sitting head 
of State in Europe or America, with only 36 MPs against over 100 MPs on the 
opposition side, boldly getting swarn in office, moreover expeditiously few 
minutes after anouncement of a fraudulent election? How will such a leader lead 
the nation? The masses would not even allow it. But since Africans do not know 
what government is, and what is an election, including the intricacies that 
come with it, Kibaki was happily swarn in! If this is not a demonstration of 
buffonery at its zenith, what is? With 36 MPs? How is he going to lead? Through 
usurping all powers? Through bribes and corruptions? How is he going to lead, 
to get things done? 

  What we can say is, Kenya election has demonstrated idiocy yet unparalleled 
in African history. Kibaki cannot be the president of Kenya, and honestly he is 
not! This election should be null and void. A re-run should be conducted and 
very quickly. The stampede to swear in Kibaki, even show how unsetlled and 
concern these people are! They are now trying to grapple with the aftermath of 
their rigging, and quite frankly it is not going to be easy. Using force is 
going to make things even worse. So, they better null and void the election, to 
start all over again, this time between Raila and Kibaki.

  One cannot just concede any election. Only buffoos can do so because to them, 
even the word government is foreign, leave alone elections. Buffoons know only 
how to eat, shit and sleep! To Buffoons, what is an election anyways?

  Therefore, conceding in this case where PNU gunnered only 36 MPs is not an 
option. It is clear the election was rigged. Let those who rigged the election 
live with the filth!

  ARJP Management

    I think that we should learn how to conceede and also copy from Al Gore in 
    When Presidential election results are too closed to call,it is not always 
a good thing because it can flip over to either sides.It is like tossing a 
coin. That is what has happened in Kenya. 

    I will urge the Kenyan and African people to stop violence protests ,which 
hardly change anything and channel their energy toward competing again in the 
future. If this election came this closed, it suggests to me , and I am sure 
you agree with my observation ,too that it was very likely Raila could win! 
While , we can't tell for sure,let us celebrate the victory of democracy over 
dictatorship and work with the Kenyan people to strengthe our  democracies in 
Africa.Kibaki is certain better up than his predecessor and Raila should seek 
that office again but he risked hurting his cause becauseof all these 
violence.It is not justified from what I gather because claims about election 
fraud vary depending on the context and circumstance. 

    It is the responsibility of those who have failed to temper the violent 
spirit of their followers because the violent path they have pursued is not 
going to change their story.In fact,it is only making things worse for the 
country ,and for the poor  who are used. I hate that from my heart.We know 
itwon't change anything and yet fight illegitimate causes? 

    I will only be very concerned if after FOUR YEARS Kibaki runs again as 
President for his party. We hope that after his Eight  years, he will step 
aside and allow other Kenyans to run and by so doing give an equal chance to 
opposing parties to seek that office with integrity.
    I am very reluctant to rush into any conclusion now about election 
irregularities ,which might be posted because it happens in every democracy 
even  in the most advanced on earth.Yet, I praise Kibaki WITHOUT  really 
knowing what I don't  know for risking his office,something that dictators 
never do. That shows he was willing to let go and should eventually let go four 
years from now and  become an encyclopaedia of African political majurity. I 
know that the Kenyan people have punctured that majurity through their violent 
behavior this week and may be in the coming weeks but that has happened because 
of some form of ignorance and stupidity. 

    I ask the Kenyan people at home and abroad to call for cease fire and work 
together for the best of Kenyan people and Africa. I don't want this disgrace 
to continue like this because we ought to have leared enough from others.Why 
should innocent people always be sacrificed for unjust causes by those who know 

    If Kenneth Numfor has anything to add, you may, Dr.

    Bye  and have a peaceful NewYear

    Yours sincerely


    Awasom Jonathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

       Change my heart oh God                             December 28, 2007
      "Change my heart, O God, make it ever true 
      Change my heart, O God, may I be like you 
      You are the Potter, I am the clay; 
      Mold me and make me, this is what I pray 
      Change my heart, O God, make it ever true
      Change my heart, O God, may I be like you"  Eddie Espinosa 

      I want God to change my heart to work for justice and peace
      Let me reflect over these words expressed in this song. This song is 
about change of heart. Some hearts are hard and infertile while others are soft 
and fertile. Our hearts can become the soil on, which all types of seeds are 
planted. The human heart is often described as the soil in the parable of the 
sower but it can also be turned into a battlefield by external forces. So, 
close your eyes and take a silent moment and think about what is in your heart 
about life and your relationship with your fellow human being? If you'll like 
to understand the metaphor of the Parable of the sower then read Mathew 13:1-23
      It seems many persons are victims and if we can all change our hearts and 
recognize the dignity of one another the change of our hearts will be 
translated into the community in the way we connect with one another. Change is 
susceptible to a total revolution of our hearts from a previous state of 
heartlessness to new one. Remember, we have not mentioned anything about our 
faculty of intellect and intelligence because many people in this world are 
intelligent but ironically they use their intelligence negatively. This is 
because their hearts have a different orientation distant from the spirit of 
truth, goodness and kindness for the common good. If we change our hearts and 
begin to take ownership of our problems, then what will happen is, God will 
guide us to embark on a new path to freedom. So, let us allow God to change our 
hearts. For this to happen, we have to know what is desirable and acceptable 
according to God's will for us. If you don't know God's will for your life, 
stop for a minute and ask yourself what is your purpose and meaning on earth? I 
will be available to help you find your true purpose and meaning but also 
remember that there are many others like myself who are just around waiting to 
help you.
      What strikes me about this song is the vivid portrayal of "us" like clay 
in the hands of a potter. God is the potter with the power to mold us and make 
us to be what we want to be for the good of humanity. That seems to suggest to 
me that we are fragile like clay and it is unreasonable for us to be against 
the common good, anyway. For how long are we going to be around, anyway? Don't 
we have an obligation to leave this world better than we met it? God is the 
potter and if we submit ourselves to his will, then we shall find true peace 
and happiness in the world. Some people act as though they are the potter. No, 
mortal human beings shall never usurp the place of God on earth and beyond. We 
are the clay in the hands of a faithful, merciful, gracious and loving God who 
is willing to listen and help us to change our hearts if we, from time to time 
take ownership of our own short comings instead of blaming it all on others. By 
the same token, we also need to take responsibility for the failures of our 
fellow human beings if our actions are responsible. The blame game is supposed 
to be two way traffic on the high way of a clean and clear conscience before a 
reasonable Judge, referee (advocate) or peacemaker. 
      We have to change our hearts under different circumstances. For instance  
may be we have to change our hearts from thinking that other human beings are 
either superior or inferior to us. May be we need to change our hearts toward 
those we hate because of false witnesses we bear against them.  We have to 
build a strong community of mutual interaction and mutual exchange of benefits. 
Life is more than "a bargain across the counter" to recall Hard Times by 
Charles Dickens. It goes beyond this and hinges on sharing and bearing one 
another's burden. If we change our hearts and the treat others the way they 
should be treated, we will realize a more loving and peaceful society. I pray 
that God will change your hearts to become the good soil today and forever 
especially in this coming year, 2008. I also pray that the seed that falls on 
your good hearts be good seeds,too because either way a good heart and good 
seed compliment each other.They thrive well and grow to produce good fruits.
      As C.H. Spurgeon concludes in his kind words on the Parable of the Sower, 
he writes. "I now close with the last character, namely, the GOOD GROUND. Of 
the good soil, as you will mark, we have but one in four. Will one in four of 
our hearers, with well-prepared heart, receive the Word?
      The ground is described as "good": not that it was good by nature, but it 
had been made good by grace. God had ploughed it; he had stirred it up with the 
plough of conviction, and there it lay in ridge and furrow as it should lie. 
When the gospel was preached, the heart received it, for the man said, "That is 
just the blessing I want. Mercy is what a needy sinner requires." So that the 
preaching of the gospel was THE thing to give comfort to this disturbed and 
ploughed soil. Down fell the seed to take good root. In some cases it produced 
fervency of love, largeness of heart, devotedness of purpose of a noble kind, 
like seed which produces a hundredfold. The man became a mighty servant for 
God, he spent himself and was spent. He took his place in the vanguard of 
Christ's army, stood in the hottest of the battle, and did deeds of daring 
which few could accomplish-the seed produced a hundredfold. It fell into 
another heart of like character;-the man could not do the most, but still he 
did much. He gave himself to God, and in his business he had a word to say for 
his Lord; in his daily walk he quietly adorned the doctrine of God his 
Saviour,-he brought forth sixty-fold. Then it fell on another, whose abilities 
and talents were but small; he could not be a star, but he would be a 
glow-worm; he could not do as the greatest, but he was content to do something, 
however humble. The seed had brought forth in him tenfold, perhaps twentyfold. 
How many are there of this sort here?"
      Peace on earth. Happy New year, 2008

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