What really gets to me is the use of a term Federalism in this Buganda self
identity crisis, and it amazes me that even intelligent men like WBK also
walked right into it failing to see the larger damage they are doing to
Buganda. For you wonder if this is really about Federalism, when did
Ssabassajja and the King of Ankole Toro and so on discuss the national
building last, let alone their own regions building? Hey there is Busoga too
Gees I had forgotten them. How about them?  It is only Buganda yakking and
yakking and yakking but insists it is about federalism. Who the hell are you
trying to federate with? It is apathy gone awol. But you see and this is
what I am trying to tell Israel Kintu, good, go on yak all you want and
damage Buganda to all extent you want, you see what the WBKs have managed to
do, is to make Buganda’s agenda understood in the whole country. To destroy
Uganda.  Which makes the jobs of Ugandans very easy, for I have not talked
to a single Ugandan out there not willing to defend our state.


Awangale Richard Ssemakokiro no’Muzaana Wattu E Bamunanika.


On the 


           Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kizza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni et Docteur Kiiza Besigye, l'Ouganda est dans


From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
[mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Ngoma radio
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2012 5:07 AM
Subject: {UAH} Uganda Federal Confederates (UFC) elections


Federal conference & elections for the UFC leadership (25th August 2012) 




As promised 




at our last federal conference on the 11/6/2011, elections for the Executive
Committee will take place on Saturday 25th of August 2012. The venue will be
communicated to you as soon as it's confirmed. This is a great opportunity
for you to join the Uganda Federal Confederates (UFC) and lead or be part of
the leadership team (Executive Committee) that aims to bring about the
desired federal political system of governance in Uganda. 

The Executive Committee shall be elected for a term of two years. Candidates
shall be eligible for election for not more than three consecutive years.
However a candidate will be eligible for re-election after a period of two
years has elapsed. The Executive Committee may in addition appoint up to 5
co-opted members. Such co-opted members shall serve until the next annual
general meeting.

The Executive Committee may, from time to time, appoint from among its
members, Newsletter Editor, Membership Secretary, Meetings Secretary and
Publicity Secretary and any further posts as it may deem necessary.

Below are the positions that will be contested for. Please refer to the UFC
constitution to familiarise yourself with the roles and powers of the
Executive Committee as well as the aims and objectives of this pressure

1)    Chairman

2)    Vice-Chairman

3)    Secretary

4)    Deputy Secretary

5)    Treasurer

6)    Deputy Treasurer


In addition to electing the above officers, the paid up members will elect 5
distinguished Ugandans to act as Elders of UFC who shall serve terms of 5
years before retiring or being nominated for re-election. The Elders of UFC
shall not hold any other office in UFC and shall not take part in any Annual
General Meeting voting notwithstanding that they will be fully paid members.

The Elders of UFC will act as an appeal body in any internal dispute that is
not resolved by the Executive Committee. (This is an improvisation on the
concept of a bicameral chamber)

If you are interested in standing for any position, please download the
Nomination Paper and the Candidate's Consent Form below. Alternatively
request these forms by emailing us at ugandafederalists(at)yahoo.com


Click here to download -
mination_paper_2012.pdf> 'Nomination paper'

Click here to download -
ndidate_consent.pdf> 'Candidate's Consent Form'.

Click here to download -
ions_2012.pdf> Elections timetable

Click here to download -
pdf> UFC constitution


Frequently asked questions


Who is organizing this conference and the elections?


The federal conference and the elections are being organized by a pressure
group called the Uganda Federal Confederates (UFC). The federal conference
is held annually. However the first one was held in 2008 followed by another
conference in June 2011.


What is the UFC
1.pdf>  about? 


We are a non-partisan umbrella pressure group of peace loving organizations
and individuals who are actively seeking a democratic Uganda. We hope to
bring about a free and fair Uganda for all kingdoms and regions. We are
working to bring about the necessary change so as to improve the social,
economic and political aspirations of Ugandans. We strongly believe that
Uganda can be a peaceful country whereby its leaders can respect the
diversity and contribution of its peoples. We believe that our nation's
leaders should promote democracy, be accountable, abide by the law, respect
the constitution and work in the interests of the whole nation. Anything
below these standards is tantamount to poor leadership and betrayal of our
people's mandate.


What does the UFC believe in?


We have examined and analyzed the causes of internal wars in Uganda since
independence and we have concluded that the underlying cause is that
opportunists have used the all powerful presidency under a unitary system to
promote their kinsmen to dominate and subjugate other ethnic groups. And
having examined the National Resistance Movement Organization policies and
their effects on the ground since it came to power in 1986, it is clear that
the current government is mostly promoting or developing the president's
kinsmen. In other words, nepotism, poverty, sectarianism, autocracy,
corruption and misrule are the fruits of the system run on who you know or
loyalty as opposed to competence. We are realists and believe that any
Ugandan president will always try to favour the region where he or she comes
from. So the solution must include addressing the problem of unfair
distribution of wealth is to introduce a federal political system that will
ensure fair re-distribution of the national cake, lasting peace and
political accountability.


What are the aims and objectives of the UFC?


The Objects of the Confederates are:

1.      To advance public education and knowledge of a just and fair system
of government for and by the people of Uganda; 
2.      To campaign for a new constitution for Uganda that has the support
of the all the traditional nations of Uganda and her people; 
3.      To fund raise towards creating a responsible responsive leadership
in Uganda;  and 
4.      To establish and maintain relationships with the different Uganda
political parties and/or any relevant organizations so as to achieve our
shared aims and objectives. 

Our motto


Our motto is 'We March Forward As One'. We believe that it is only through
working and co-operating together as Ugandans representing our diversity and
political interests that it will be possible to solve the complex issues we
are experiencing as Ugandans. Therefore, we welcome all members and
institutions from the traditional nations of Uganda; the emerging
professional class; and the political parties to formulate and implement a
programme for the future of our country. This should start with a national
conference that should lead to drafting a new federal constitution.


Our colours


Our colours are black and white. As the saying goes 'as clear as black and
white'......we aim to promote transparency. We also chose these colours
because they stand out and anyone can easily wear them in their daily lives.
Therefore we urge all those attending to wear black and white if possible.


Is there need for federalism in Uganda?


The Odoki Commission in 1993 reported that 65% of the people of Uganda
wanted federalism, while 10 years later the Ssempebwa commission, which
reviewed the constitution, reported 68%. Given this background, it is quite
clear that Ugandans believe that a federal political system of government
will improve the lives of peoples of Uganda.

To date, the current president of Uganda (Yoweri Kaguta Museveni) has been
in power for 26 years. In that time he has undermined every institution that
the success or failure of an institution depends on the mood of President
Museveni. The country is currently divided along ethnic and religious lines.
Public services are non-existent, corruption is rampant and human rights
abuses are the order of the day mainly because the constitution invested all
powers in a one-man all-powerful central dictatorship.

The organisers of the conference will invite all the different political
parties from Uganda, political scholars, journalists, social commentators
and artistes. In addition, the organisers will invite UK Members of
Parliament, foreign dignitaries, Ugandan religious leaders and professionals
from different backgrounds.

Different workshops or focus groups will review, assess and recommend a way
forward. We believe that for a federal campaign to be successful, all the
traditional nationalities in Uganda have to play their part in the quest for
a free and fair Uganda for all.


What is federalism?


Federalism can be defined in various ways. But for our purposes, federalism
means sharing power between the central and the regional governments in a
modern state guaranteed under the constitution. It is about putting
institutions in place that will do away with one-man dictatorships. It is
about vigorously dealing with corruption, human rights abuse, monitoring
accountability and abuse of office. It is about denying the State from
abusing her citizens. It is about citizens being free to organise in small
units that come together to deliberate on common needs and grievances. It is
about self-determination and taking responsibility and ownership of what
goes on around us. For more information about federalism, visit
www.federo.com <http://www.federo.com/> . This website is the main resource
on federalism in Uganda. The information on the mentioned website is well
researched by a ‘federal think tank' and has ‘a Frequently Asked Questions'


What's going to happen at the conference?


In addition to the speeches/campaigns, presentations, electing the Uganda
Federal Confederates (UFC) officials and watching documentaries, the
conference will come up with working groups, which will be asked to report
in 6 months. Whether that will mean holding another conference is a decision
we will leave in the hands of the newly elected executive.

By the way the organisers have undertaken that they will invite artists from
Uganda to entertain the guests. Furthermore, people from the different
ethnic groups of Uganda will showcase their traditional dresses or attires
and cultural dances. Food (buffet) and a soft drink will be sold cheaply at
£10, served from the state of the art hall with stunning views of the river
Thames. Alcohol drinks will also be sold cheaply.


How much are the tickets for the conference?


Tickets only cost £10 per head (paid in advance) for the conference or £15
at the door. Parking is free and big enough to accommodate more than 100
cars. However we would urge you to use public transport or car share if you
can, for the sake of the environment.


When are the elections for the UFC leadership?


The elections for the Executive Committee and the Elders Council will be
held on the 25th August 2012. The venue will be communicated to you as soon
as it's confirmed.


Who is eligible to stand?


Shall be Ugandan

Shall be over the age of 18 years

Shall be paid up member (Annual Membership is £5)

Shall have paid up their membership before nomination

Shall be fluent in more than one language


What should I do if I want to stand? 


You need to be a fully paid up member to contest for any position or be able
to vote for any candidate. Fill in the attached form and send it back to us
by email; our email is ugandafederalists(at)yahoo.com
<mailto:ugandafederali...@yahoo.com>  This e-mail address is being protected
from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . All nominations and
consent forms have to be returned by the 1/4/2012. We will then endeavour to
write back to you within 14 working days. However we reserve the right to
refuse your application as per our constitution.

N.B One does not need to be a member to attend the conference.


Can those abroad or outside the UK stand for election or vote?


a)    Yes anyone abroad can vote by email as long as they have paid a full
membership fee before the 24/6/2012. If you are outside the UK and you want
to vote by email, you have to mention this in the email you send us
requesting to become a member. We will then issue you with a unique voter
registration number and then email you the ballot papers. The deadline to
vote by email is 30/7/2012.

b)    If you want to stand for office, you will need to attend the
conference in person.


How do I become a member of the UFC?


All you need to do is to send an email to ugandafederalists(at)yahoo.com
<mailto:ugandafederali...@yahoo.com>  This e-mail address is being protected
from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it requesting to become a
member and then pay an annual membership fee of £5. To pay for your
membership, please visit www.theugandacitizen.com
<http://www.theugandacitizen.com/>  and click on the ‘PayPal' icon. You will
receive an email confirming your payment. For us to be able to distinguish
your payment from Ngoma radio donations, please write ‘UFC Membership' as
your reference for audit purposes. We intend to have a UFC website soon.


Important dates 




Notice of elections


Nomination papers to be returned by


Candidate consent form to be returned by


Candidates to be confirmed on


Campaigns officially start on


Campaigns must finish by


Closing day for UFC membership registration in time to be able to vote in
this election


Email or electronic voting starts on


The deadline to vote by email for those abroad and unable to travel is


Voting and election announcements

25/08/2012 (Saturday)




Further Information about UFC


The Uganda Federal Confederates (UFC) has a range of projects and these
include  <http://www.ngomaradio.com/> Ngoma radio. For more information
about UFC please visit http://www.theugandacitizen.com/ufc


For any inquiries about the federal conference/elections please contact: 


Bosco Nyombi -   0044 7931286466

Mustapha Semanda Magero -  0044 7846097708

Charles Kyazze -    0044 7950818088

Alternatively, you can email us at ugandafederalists(at)yahoo.com
<mailto:ugandafederali...@yahoo.com>  This e-mail address is being protected
from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it 

NB. Keep checking on www.theugandacitizen.com
<http://www.theugandacitizen.com/>  for any updates/venue etc


We March Forward As One


Ngoma Radio - The Ugandan Voice!

To listen visit:

Studio contacts
Telephones: +44 20 8133 5394
+44 20 7055 8155
Text phone: +44 79 5635 4586
Skype name: Drum radio studio
Email: drumra...@btinternet.com



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