Diana baby


I have survived Quebec for ion years and you think this lousy posting really
bothers me? And that is why Buganda is failing for you have empty heads as
this one talking for it. Man I have seen regions that need to secede and
debating very intelligently yet they fail. If I was the Diana nonsense I
would sit in this forum and ask serious questions but learn and pick from
the massive knowledge and experience some of us have accumulated, than
turning it into a battle ground for what your grandparents knew and your
parents must know and you must know. And just on record Diana, If the
Buganda kingdom gets closed tomorrow I loose nothing. If it remains open I
loose nothing. And since it was reinstated I have gained firkin crap from it
so is my entire family including the extends as well.  And you think I get
sleepless nights for Mengo screwed a 9 year old to pregnancy and hide her
but jump up with the son?                                     Ge’ez


If this is the best shot for Buganda good luck, some of us are here to stay
God I wish so is the kingdom.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko"


From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
[mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of diana semwogerere
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2014 2:47 PM
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: {UAH} What the people of Uganda need to know


Mulindwa says "Buganda is starting to become a noise and we are starting to
learn to ignore it."

Buganda day in day out observe  people like Kashambuzi writing articles
after articles about it he even considers himself an expert on Buganda
.Mulindwa too has sleepless nights about Buganda, So who is making the
noise. There must be something about Buganda that makes you people tick.



Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2014 10:59:00 -0400
Subject: Re: {UAH} What the people of Uganda need to know
From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com

You do a great job pushing people to think. What we need in Uganda is
leaders who are genuine. The people of Uganda seem to be fine living as a
multi melting nation The    Beginning was based on a tribal union and
Buganda in particular had no problem incorporating new people to its fold! I
believe we can civily do great things for that one nation Uganda, but if
Buganda was to break off I am sure they will do good. Those who say Buganda
can  not survive are not being sincere.



Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

-------- Original message --------
From: "ssekajja via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community" 
Date:10/01/2014 3:40 AM (GMT-05:00) 
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: {UAH} What the people of Uganda need to know 

There should not be secession for Buganda from Uganda, but neither can it be
business as usual. That can not happen. Buganda is at the heart of Uganda,
where it should remain, determining it's direction first, but equally
playing a major role in the development of the greater Uganda.


A fully functioning federal Uganda, that strips greater powers from the
central government, back to the organic leaders, should deliver on what
centralisation of power in dictators' hands has failed to do in half a


But all this has to be achieved in a peaceful way, or otherwise create
conditions that give gas to those pushing and shouting, - secession,
secession, secession!!! 



-----Original Message-----
From: jim muwanga <muwanga...@gmail.com <mailto:muwanga...@gmail.com> >
To: ugandans-at-heart <ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
<mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com> >
Sent: Wed, 1 Oct 2014 7:53
Subject: Re: {UAH} What the people of Uganda need to know

Jealousy is a sin!

People are scared of the unknown e.g Mulindwa.

Actually if Buganda was to decide to go it alone. IT WOULD SURVIVE and
FLOURISH at a faster rate.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 12:02 AM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa <mulin...@look.ca
<mailto:mulin...@look.ca> > wrote:

It will be very stupid for Buganda to secede for it simply will not survive.
Think it through before you jump the gun and think it through intelligently.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko"


From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
<mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com> ] On Behalf Of diana semwogerere
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 3:15 PM
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: {UAH} What the people of Uganda need to know


"The second hurdle Buganda faces is the rising consciousness for self
–determination by several nations or sub-nations. Advocating secession may
open a can of worms that could result in the disintegration of Buganda.
Therefore those who are advocating secession need to consider the costs that
might exceed the benefits."


Kashambuzi, Baganda can do whatever they want to do. I doubt by you trying
to put a scare crow infront of their faces will work. If they decided to
remain in Uganda it's totally up to them so is the latter. You should not
loose sleep over that and whatever happens it's the Baganda who would face
the consequences .Do you really think that they do not know that?



Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 16:46:27 -0700
From: kashambuzie...@gmail.com <mailto:kashambuzie...@gmail.com> 
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
Subject: {UAH} What the people of Uganda need to know

Correcting distortions: The history of Uganda was and continues to be
distorted. And there are people who are comfortable with the status quo.
London-based Michael Mutagubya is leading a protest on radio munansi that I
am distorting the history of Buganda and Baganda should dismiss what I am
doing in civic education. 

The second champion of dissent is another London-based Aloysius Sempala who
is leading a protest on face book that Baganda are not a multi-nation but
one nation (same ancestral origin and same indigenous language). He even
observed that he has never heard of the clans of Kimera. For him all Baganda
are clans of Kintu. 

He too is urging Baganda to ignore the confusion I am creating. However,
research findings do not support Sempala assertion. Let us refer to only two
sources by Ugandans (I have been accused of using materials written by white

Christine Obbo who has done extensive research in Buganda says that “… since
it has been easy for foreigners to become Ganda, the Ganda make a further
distinction between ordinary citizens and the pure Ganda, whose clans
supposedly helped the first king of Buganda, Kintu to consolidate the Ganda
state at Kiwawu. However, the people belonging to the clans that supposedly
came with Kimera, the third king of Buganda according to oral tradition,
claim that the legend of Kintu is just-so story and that the Ganda kingdom
began with Kimera, and that it is their clans that are pure Ganda”(William
A. Shack and Elliot P. Skinner 1979). 

Benson Okello adds that “The Baganda were one of the Bantu clans which had
been living within their present homeland since 1000 AD. Some clans joined
them later. These clans claimed to have come with Kintu. Kintu was the
founder of the Buganda kingdom. He came from the eastern direction, probably
from the Mt. Elgon area. However, some clans claim that they came to Buganda
with Kato Kimera who, according to Bunyoro-Kitara tradition, was a brother
to Isingoma Rukidi Mpuga. Although some historians (especially Baganda
historians) disagree that Kimera came from Bunyoro-Kitara, Kimera might have
come to Buganda from the north as a result of the Luo invasion”(Okello

Clearly it is difficult drawing on these authors to avoid the conclusion
that Buganda has more than one nation – clans of Kintu and Kimera and
foreigners that have easily entered Buganda and become citizens.       

As an aside, there are Ugandans who are advising me not to disturb Baganda
because they need their political support in post-NRM regime. Let me be
clear: what I am doing is civic education and should not be mixed up with
politics or sectarianism. 

In this presentation I will be selective because there is much ground to
cover and many readers don’t like long articles. I have even been advised to
make my sentences and paragraphs short for easy reading. 

Uganda ethnic groups: Who are we ethnically? Some authors give four ethnic
groups namely Bantu people; Nilotic people made up of River Lake Nilotes
that originated in Bar-el- Gazal of South Sudan and Plains Nilotes also
called Paranilotic; Sudanic people and Nilo-Hamitic people.

Two observations: First, there is no group called Nilo-Hamitic for the
simple reason that there are no people called Hamite that would have
intermarried with Nilotes to produce Nilo-Hamitic (For details read Zamani
edited by Bethwell A. Ogot and John A. Kieran 1967; The African Experience
by Roland Oliver, 1991 and African History by Philip Curtin et al., 1978 on
the Hamitic Myth). 

The second observation is that contrary to popular belief, Bachwezi were not
ancestors of Luo but a Bantu aristocracy. According to Ogot “Bachwezi were
not Bahima or Luo: they were a Bantu aristocracy who emerged in western
Uganda in the fourteenth and fifteen centuries”(Building on the Indigenous
by Bethwell A. Ogot 1999). 

Settlement of different ethnic groups in Uganda

Several authors have simplified the settlement of Ugandans within Uganda
along the Bantu in the south and Nilotics in the north and East divide. For
example in Uganda: From the pages of Drum edited by Adam Seftel and
published in 1994 it is stated “Bantu-speaking peoples live in the southern
half of the country… The Sudanic-speaking people such as Lugbara, Madi and
Kakwa live in West Nile and the Luo-speaking peoples live in northern and
eastern Uganda”. That is the broad picture presented which is far from the

Baganda in Uganda: Because of conflicts within Buganda and deployment of
Baganda as civil servants and religious leaders, Baganda are found in
virtually all parts of Uganda especially in western and eastern regions. 

Tutsi in Uganda: As we know by now Tutsi are descendants of Nilotic
Luo-speaking pastoralists that migrated from Bar-el-Ghazal area in southern
Sudan.  Bahima, Bahororo and Banyamulenge are all Tutsi cousins (we shall
use the generic term of Tutsi to refer to all these groups). They adopt
local languages and local names wherever they settle but men don’t marry
outside Tutsi ethnic group. They have therefore retained their Nilotic
Luo-identity (this might explain why Amii Otunnu and Sejusa both Nilotic Luo
descendants might have decided to work together to lead Ugandans in the
Diaspora and form the next government).  

In western Uganda migration from then southern Sudan brought Nilotic
Luo-speaking pastoralists who settled in Ankole as Bahima (a Tutsi clan as
reported by Gerard Prunier 1995) and ruled Bantu people they found in the
region and called them Bairu – slaves or servants. Another branch of Tutsi
settled in Rwanda and Burundi where they dominated Bantu they called Bahutu
– slaves or servants.

In mid-17th century, a group of Tutsi left Rwanda and founded Mpororo
kingdom in present day northern Rwanda and southwest Uganda in present day
Ntungamo district and northern parts of Kabale district. The Bantu who lived
in the area were defeated and converted into Bahororo/Bairu. The Tutsi
rulers became Tutsi/Bahororo, a distinction that must be kept in mind when
discussing who has benefited under Tutsi/Bahororo regime led by Museveni who
is a Tutsi/Muhororo.  

Around mid-18th century, Mpororo kingdom disintegrated from internal
conflicts. In Ankole Bahinda rulers took over parts of former Mpororo
kingdom and the rest was given to them by the British that doubled the size
of Nkore which became Ankole. 

After disintegration, some Bahororo stayed in former Mpororo as commoners,
others returned to Rwanda, yet others under Rwebiraro migrated to Rujumbura
around 1800 as refugees and settled at Nyakinengo. They came with a standing
army and defeated the Bantu clans who were subjugated and called
collectively Bairu – slaves or servants. 

At the time of colonization Makobore a Tutsi/Muhororo and chief of Rujumbura
decided that all the people of Rujumbura (Tutsi/Bahororo and Bairu be called
Bahororo for colonial administrative convenience). So in Rujumbura we have
Tutsi/Bahororo led by Jim Muhwezi now in power and Bairu/Bahororo who are
trapped in poverty under the NRM regime and increasingly being dispossessed
of their land, a form of genocide in time of peace as such a decision will
result in reduction of Bairu numbers through ill-health and forced birth
control because of economic hardship. 

Another group of Tutsi/Bahororo stayed in northern parts of Kabale and
became Bakiga. 

Beginning in the 1920s, many Rwandese and Burundians both Hutu and Tutsi
migrated to Uganda in search of work. Some mostly Tutsi settled in Ankole as
cattle herders and others spread to all parts of Uganda where livestock
herding is found including in Buganda, eastern and northern Uganda and many
of them settled permanently adopted local names and languages. Hutu workers
concentrated on crop cultivation and settled mostly in Buganda. 

Then came the 1959 social revolution in Rwanda that drove many Tutsi and
their cattle into Uganda. Immediately upon arrival one third of them settled
with their kin and kith and became Ugandans especially in Ankole and Kigezi.
As independence was approaching in Uganda the British authorities did not
want to be saddled with a refugee problem. They discouraged refugee camps
and instead encouraged Tutsi and their cattle to filter into all parts of

The Kabaka government driven by humanitarian concerns allowed Tutsi and
their cattle to settle in Buganda and return home when the political
situation normalized. Instead they have settled permanently, adopted Luganda
language and names. They are therefore counted as Baganda free to enjoy all
that Buganda provides on equal footing with indigenous Baganda and other
foreigners that settled in Buganda – a source of conflict with indigenous or
pure Baganda that is driving a desire for secession. 

Thus, a combination of power conflicts and economic hardship in Rwanda and
to a lesser extent in Burundi forced many people to migrate and settle in
Uganda. It is important to note that Uganda became a hostile territory to
Hutu refugees or workers since NRM came to power in 1986 and most of
Rwandese and Burundians coming to Uganda are Tutsi. 

Since the 1920s Uganda has received many Banyarwanda. By around the time of
independence they formed about 40 percent in Buganda alone. For more
information read Rwanda Conflict by Dixon Kamukama, 1997 and Administrators
in East Africa by B. L. Jacobs, 1965).

Who are Banyamulenge?  They are Tutsi pastoral people who fled Rwanda in mid
19th century as a result of instability during the reign of King Kigeri
Rwabugiri (1853-97). They settle in DRC near a hill called Mulenge – hence
the name Banyamulenge – the people of Mulenge Hills (Ben RawLence 2012). It
is believed that some of them have found their way in Uganda and are
participating in many aspects of Uganda politics, economics and society.

Thus when we talk of Batutsi (Tutsi) we include Bahima or Hima of Ankole,
Batutsi/Bahororo and Batutsi/Banyamulenge. The leaders of Uganda under
Museveni have come mostly from this group.

But there is still confusion as to who has benefited

You will hear people especially Baganda telling you or writing like Amii
Otunnu has done that Banyankole and increasingly Bakiga have taken all the
good jobs, have killed other Ugandans especially Baganda and northerners and
easterners and must pay when the time comes.

First of all in trying to understand who is ruling Uganda we must draw an
ethnic distinction, sad but necessary. 

Ankole: In Ankole tell me how many Bairu the large majority in that area are
in power and in important business in Uganda? Those called Banyankole who
have benefited tremendously are Tutsi (Tutsi from Rwanda and Burundi, Bahima
and Bahororo led by Museveni). 

Kabale: Many of Ugandans from Kabale who register themselves as Bakiga are
actually Tutsi that remained behind as Bahororo and those that entered
Uganda after the social revolution of 1959 (that was triggered by Tutsi when
they assaulted a newly appointed Hutu sub-chief) and since then. 

Rujumbura: In Rujumbura the prominent personalities in Uganda politics, army
and civil service are Tutsi/Bahororo. Jim muhwezi, Aronda Nyakairimama,
Tumukunde, two women presidential advisers, Allan Kagina of Customs
Department and Keith Muhakanizi Permanent Secretary Ministry of Finance. 

Tell me how many Bairu/Bahororo hold prominent positions and yet we have the
largest number of educated and experienced people. 

Thus in former Ankole and Kigezi districts where Bantu/Bairu people are the
majority and have the best trained have not benefited from the NRM regime.
So when Museveni government collapses and you descend on Ankole and Kigezi
to settle scores you are going to kill innocent people who have suffered
under Museveni regime. Tutsi will have run out of the country with their
money. So keep that in mind.  

Who has benefited in NRM government from Northern and Eastern region?

What I want to say here briefly is that there are many Baganda and Batutsi
living in these regions. They have adopted local names and languages. We
therefore need to do our homework to make sure that these regions are not
disproportionately represented by Baganda and Batutsi. 

Baganda in Museveni government: Since NRM came to power, the prominent and
prestigious jobs have gone to Baganda possibly dominated by Tutsi (I have
not yet analyzed the ethnic composition). Three vice presidents have been
Baganda (Kisseka, Bukenya and Ssekandi and before then Speaker of
Parliament), three prime ministers have been Baganda (Kisseka, Kintu Musoke,
Nsibambi). Ssemogerere second Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Internal
Affairs and Minister of Foreign Affairs. Abu Mayanja third Deputy Prime
Minister and Cabinet Minister. Mukiibi Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ponsiano
Milima Minister of Finance. Mayanja Nkangii Minister of Finance and
Chairman: National Land Commission. Overall the ministry of finance has been
dominated by Baganda including Milima, Mayanja Nkangi, Ssendaula and now
Mayanja. Moses Kigongo has been Vice Chairman of NRM.  

Buganda and Luwero War: The location of Buganda has made Baganda suffer
needlessly. I have spoken about this matter perhaps more than anyone else.
Baganda are being dispossessed of their land. But this is happening
everywhere. Poverty and unemployment are happening everywhere. On statistics
alone one would think Baganda are doing relatively well economically
considering that over 80 percent of Uganda Gross National Income (GNI) is
generated in Greater Kampala where the vast majority of Baganda live or

Does Baganda suffering call for secession? 

Secession of Buganda from Uganda has two major hurdles. First, do Baganda
have the numbers and/or the will to carry it out? The 1959 census showed
that Baganda and non-Baganda were in a tie of 50:50 that is Baganda were
half of the population in Buganda. Since then Buganda has experienced
unprecedented immigration and occupation and settlement. If you add on the
human loss during the guerrilla war and the many Baganda that have fled into
exile and taken on dual citizenship you begin to wonder whether Baganda who
are calling for secession from exile have the numbers to wage a war of
secession. Christine Obbo observed in 1979 “There was fear [among pure
Baganda] that the assimilated Ganda might one day dominate the political
structures”. That was 1979 and it is possible the number of non-Baganda has
grown faster than that of pure Baganda. If conducted professionally the 2014
population census will give us the exact information.  

The second hurdle Buganda faces is the rising consciousness for self
–determination by several nations or sub-nations. Advocating secession may
open a can of worms that could result in the disintegration of Buganda.
Therefore those who are advocating secession need to consider the costs that
might exceed the benefits. Instead of secession, Baganda may wish to look at
the advantages of a federal or confederal arrangement that give regions and
communities power to manage their own affairs except in matters of defense,
security, foreign affairs and national currency. What lesson can Baganda
learn from Scotland?

This brief presentation is designed to open debate so that Ugandans are
fully aware of what challenges we are up against and design policies,
strategies and programs that would iron out these distortions. All Ugandans
must participate in these debates so that no one is left behind.

Eric Kashambuzi

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UAH forum is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans. Individuals are
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UAH forum is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans. Individuals are
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<mailto:ugandans-at-heart+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com>  or Abbey Semuwemba
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UAH forum is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans. Individuals are
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<mailto:ugandans-at-heart+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com>  or Abbey Semuwemba
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<mailto:ugandans-at-heart+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com>  or Abbey Semuwemba
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